DiscoverThe Freedom Journey PodcastHealing From Heartache: Part 2
Healing From Heartache: Part 2

Healing From Heartache: Part 2

Update: 2023-06-12


Are you aware of the hidden wounds from your early childhood that may be impacting your life today? Join hosts Beth and Linda in this thought-provoking episode of the Freedom Journey Podcast as they delve into the profound influence of childhood wounds and how the Ministry of the Holy Spirit can bring healing and restoration. Discover the power of forgiveness and learn how to release pain, allowing God to bring transformation and wholeness. So, are you ready to uncover and heal your heart wounds? Take a moment to reflect on any childhood wounds that may be affecting your life, and join us in prayer as we release pain and invite God's healing touch into our hearts and souls.

Timestamped Chapter Summary

  • Introduction of the topic of early childhood wounds (00:00:00 )

  • Discussion of how children are good receptors but terrible interpreters (00:01:00 )

  • Scriptures that speak to healing our wounds (00:02:00 )

  • The importance of processing pain (00:03:00 )

  • The story of a woman who uncovered a deep childhood wound through the help of the Holy Spirit (00:04:00 )

  • The enemy produces false evidence to back up lies (00:06:00 )

  • The enemy will always attack us in the area of our calling (00:07:00 )

  • Discussion of how childhood wounds can lead to compulsive behaviors as adults (00:08:00 )

  • Love is our greatest need and rejection is our greatest fear (00:10:00 )

  • The Holy Spirit can reveal childhood wounds, even from the womb (00:11:00 )

  • Forgiveness and releasing pain is crucial for emotional and physical healing (00:12:00 )

  • Forgiveness is difficult but necessary for healing (00:13:00 )

  • Letting go of judgement and pain and allowing God to be the judge (00:14:00 )

  • Walkthrough prayer of releasing pain and allowing God to heal wounds (00:15:00 )

  • Prayer for identifying wounds and seeking truth (00:16:00 )

  • Steps for releasing pain and asking for God's healing (00:17:00 )

  • Asking for forgiveness and releasing pain to the cross (00:19:00 )

  • Placing hand on heart and asking God to heal brokenness (00:20:00 )

Relevant Links/Resources/References

  • Psalms 147:3

  • Isaiah 53:5

Quotable Phrases/Takeaways

  • "Old wounds can create blind spots." 

  • "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." 

  • "Children are good receptors but terrible interpreters." 

  • "Pain must be processed." 

  • "The enemy produces false evidence to back up lies."

  • "The enemy will always attack us in the area of our calling."

  • "Love is our greatest need and rejection is our greatest fear."

  • "Forgiveness is difficult but necessary for healing."

  • "Letting go of judgement and pain and allowing God to be the judge."

Social Media Handles/CTAs

  • Follow the Freedom Journey Podcast on Instagram @freedomjourneypodcast

  • Follow Beth on Instagram @bethandclay

  • Follow Linda on Instagram @lindagodsey


Understanding and processing our early childhood wounds is crucial for our emotional and mental health. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, we can uncover these wounds and begin the healing process. Forgiveness and releasing pain is necessary for emotional and physical healing. Remember to trust the process and lean on God for strength and guidance. Don't forget to ask the Lord to identify any wounds that need healing and to guide you in seeking the truth. Use the steps provided to release pain and ask for God's healing, forgiveness, and restoration.









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Healing From Heartache: Part 2

Healing From Heartache: Part 2

Beth Collins