Be Present, Reignite And Expand Your Potential with James Yates - 023
James is a high performance coach, speaker, entrepreneur, dad and more.
He is also the founder of Reignite Enterprises. It is the culmination of his life’s work and it aims to bring quality, conscious education to the world and help more people live their truth. It allows people to transcend extremely outdated learning models and step into a more empowered, fulfilled life.
Noteworthy questions:
- What is freedom and how do we get there? (09:16 )
- Does purpose drive productivity? (23:48 )
- What does it mean to reignite? (27:01 )
- How much of our education should be conscious based? (43:10 )
Key takeaways
- Potential is not about achieving it, it’s about expanding it.
- 3 P’s to live life more successfully:
- Purpose: find meaning in what you do.
- Passion: What lights you up.
- Presence: Being aware of how you live.
- Sometimes the greatest risks, in terms of following our passion, bring the greatest rewards.
- The only way that we’re going to acknowledge that we grow and get better is when we reflect and celebrate the things we have done.
- Future education: providing people with the space to self-discover.
Reach out to James:
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