Between the Chapters: #3 CMC with @slowtech2000 & @mbrownz
In this Between the Chapters episode, Laura is joined by Clare Thomson and Mark Brown to get nostalgic for the things we were building and working on back in the mid-90s with computer-mediated communication (CMC)... and then some for Chapter 3. We dig into the pioneering practices and “cottage innovations” that were groundbreaking at the time, and offer us some sound learned lessons for today. What we did then, may still be relevant now for how we are thinking about online learning. Here are a few things we mentioned during this episode:
- The Virtual Community by Harold Rheingold
- Global Networks: Computers and International Communication by Linda Harasim
- Learning Networks: A Field Guide to Teaching and Learning Online by Linda Harasim
- Boundary Breaking in Education [PDF] virtual student teaching between Canada & New Zealand
- Teaching is a Subversive Activity and book by Neil Postman & Charles Weingartner
- xMOOC vs cMOOC? Defining Common MOOC Terms
- The Medium is the Message ~ Marshall McLuhan
- The Slow Movement
“Ed tech is not a game for the impatient.” ~ @mweller
How can we go back, to the things we learned then, to move us forward in the virtual learning environments?
How will our community be dialoguing about these ideas and issues related to CMC for how we teach and learn now?
Learn more about the guests in this episode:
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Podcast episode art:
X-Ray Specs by @visualthinkery is licenced under CC-BY-SA & Remixed by Clare Thomson.