Between the Chapters: Introduction with @mweller
In this episode, Laura has a chat with Martin about the creation of the 25 Years of Ed Tech. From a blog post series to exploring each year in more depth to now -- the book is born!
We discuss how the chapters came about, the introduction chapter, and take a sneak peek behind the scenes for the writing process. In talking about the history of ed tech, Martin has offered a few themes and issues from his perspective that he hopes the larger community of teaching and learning continues to draw from, add to, or even fill in the gaps. We discuss the history of ed tech shared in the book, and what it means for our pivot to online learning now.
Martin’s Blog - The Ed Techie
The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) & ALT-C (Conference)
25 Years of Ed Tech Book
Thanks to Athabasca University Press for their open access to journals, books, and this project!
Follow on Twitter: @YearsEd
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Podcast episode art:
X-Ray Specs by @visualthinkery is licenced under CC-BY-SA & Remixed by Ken Bauer Favel