DiscoverService Based Business Society PodcastBeyond Basic Branding Brilliance
Beyond Basic Branding Brilliance

Beyond Basic Branding Brilliance

Update: 2023-12-13


We're delving into the captivating world of personal branding and its transformative power in this episode, titled "Beyond Basic Branding Brilliance"

In today's engaging conversation, your host Tiffany-Ann Bottcher sits down with Stef Fournier, a remarkable personal branding coach and photographer. Together, they explore the art and science behind personal branding, shedding light on its profound impact on your professional journey.

Stef shares her unique journey, from her early ventures in web and graphic design to her flourishing career in photography, NLP coaching, and hypnotherapy. Discover how her diverse background informs her approach to personal branding and helps individuals connect authentically with their audience.

In a world where first impressions matter more than ever, Stef emphasizes the significance of curating your personal brand intentionally. Learn how personal branding goes beyond oversharing and discover the power of presenting your authentic self in the digital landscape.

Stef's insights into mindset work add another layer to the personal branding puzzle, highlighting the role of self-perception in shaping your brand image.

As you tune into this episode, you'll gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of personal branding, the importance of authenticity, and actionable strategies to enhance your own personal brand.

About The Guest

Stef Fournier is a multi-talented entrepreneur with a background in graphic design, web design, photography, NLP coaching, and hypnotherapy. Her passion lies in helping individuals build compelling personal brands that resonate with their ideal audience.

Connect with Stef:

About The Host

Tiffany-Ann, an astute business strategist, balances life as a podcast host, agency leader, and mother. Her unique blend of strategy, technology, and passion for genuine connections offers a fresh perspective on modern entrepreneurship.

Connect with Tiffany-Ann:

YouTube: Bottcher Business Management Agency
Tiktok: @ta_bottcher

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Beyond Basic Branding Brilliance

Beyond Basic Branding Brilliance

Tiffany-Ann Bottcher and Stef Fournier