Data, Results + Objectives

Data, Results + Objectives

Update: 2024-01-24


Dive into the world of data-driven decision-making in this insightful episode of the Service Based Business Society Podcast. Tiffany-Ann shares their journey from the corporate sector to entrepreneurship, emphasizing the pivotal role of data and ROI in business decisions. The episode chronicles the evolution of Bottcher Business Management Agency, highlighting its strategic shift to focus on service-based businesses and the subsequent rebranding into two distinct entities: a marketing media company and a bookkeeping company. Discover the challenges of inadequate data in businesses, the importance of being resourceful, and the impact of customer feedback on business growth and restructuring.

Key Takeaways:

  • Data is crucial for informed decision-making.
  • Many businesses struggle with inadequate data.
  • Bottcher Agency’s evolution showcases the importance of focusing on core audiences.
  • Strategic rebranding led to clearer, focused services.
  • Resourcefulness is key in business, especially when starting out.
  • Customer feedback can significantly influence business direction.
  • The agency offers diverse services, including bookkeeping and SEO.
  • Business growth requires adaptation and evolution.
  • Emphasis on delivering tangible results and value.
  • Niche focus enhances service relevance and effectiveness.

This episode offers a deep dive into the significance of data in shaping business strategies and the journey of adapting a business to meet evolving market needs.

About The Host

Tiffany-Ann, an astute business strategist, balances life as a podcast host, agency leader, and mother. Her unique blend of strategy, technology, and passion for genuine connections offers a fresh perspective on modern entrepreneurship.

Connect with Tiffany-Ann:

YouTube: Bottcher Business Management Agency
Tiktok: @ta_bottcher

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Data, Results + Objectives

Data, Results + Objectives

Tiffany-Ann Bottcher