DiscoverThe Good Question PodcastBuilding Elite Boards & Boosting Business Growth: A Conversation With Boardsi CEO Martin Rowinski
Building Elite Boards & Boosting Business Growth: A Conversation With Boardsi CEO Martin Rowinski

Building Elite Boards & Boosting Business Growth: A Conversation With Boardsi CEO Martin Rowinski

Update: 2024-11-23


What is referral marketing, and how does it contribute to business growth? How do companies connect with the right set of individuals to form an elite cast of board members? Martin Rowinski, the “Corporate Matchmaker” and CEO of Boardsi, joins the Good Question Podcast to discuss…

Martin is a Polish immigrant who came to America with a dream. As he grew up, he mastered the skills required to enhance the functioning and effectiveness of a Boardroom. Today, he helps CEOs meet the diverse and qualified people they need to cultivate a dynamic and innovative Board – providing them with access to the fastest growth potential.

Curious about the practical insights Martin has gained from his 25 years of leadership experience? Hit play to discover for yourself!

In this episode, we cover:

  • A proven approach to effective referral marketing.
  • How private companies can achieve an ideal board composition.
  • What to look for while assembling a team of professionals in a business environment. 

Stay updated with Martin's ongoing work by visiting his website. And for a deeper dive into his insights on referral marketing and business growth, be sure to check out his book, The Corporate Matchmaker!

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:

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Building Elite Boards & Boosting Business Growth: A Conversation With Boardsi CEO Martin Rowinski

Building Elite Boards & Boosting Business Growth: A Conversation With Boardsi CEO Martin Rowinski