Burn Risk to Flip the Switch
In this next episode, MAJ Stanley Gillens, Jr. chats with LTC John Elko and LTC Brian Hollandsworth about testing and all the preparation events taking place prior to brownout/cutover to ensure a successful Go-Live. If you’re looking for insight on who participated, what was tested, outcomes, and preparing users, this is the episode for you. Brownout is no earlier than 10 November.
Leaders/Approvers: Leader Course is due 4 November 2022.
HR Professionals/HR Field Users: SUBCAT Training due 4 November 2022.
Soldiers/Self-Service: Recommended 1 hour video so you know how to submit your requests, like leave.
Training is available via ELM at https://hr.ippsa.csd.disa.mil/ or the IPPS-A App (Apple and Google Play). For more info, visit https://ipps-a.army.mil/r3net/.
Cutover Guide and User Manual: https://hr.ippsa.army.mil/upk/r3/resources/help/Publishing%20Content/PlayerPackage/data/toc.html
Please email the IPPS-A Mailbox with your questions: usarmy.pentagon.hqda-ipps-a.mbx.ipps-a@mail.mil
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