Who Does What? Brownout/Cutover & Elevated Roles
In this next episode, COL Rebecca Eggers chats with LTC John Elko and MAJ Marisha Mclean about how HR Professionals and Units should prepare for Brownout and Cutover (BOCO). If you’re looking for insight on what BOCO means to you, the Cutover Guide, Faces-to-Spaces, and elevated roles (subcategories) and access, this is the episode for you.
HR Professionals/HR Field Users: Hands-On/Instructor Facilitated Training was due 31 May 2022.
Sub-Category Training due 31 July: TRA must place you on roster to be provisioned for the role.
Leaders/Approvers: Distance learning is due before Brownout.
Soldiers/Self-Service: Recommended 1 hour video so you know how to submit your requests, like leave.
Training is available via ELM at https://hr.ippsa.csd.disa.mil/ or the IPPS-A App (Apple and Google Play).
Please email the IPPS-A Mailbox with your questions: usarmy.pentagon.hqda-ipps-a.mbx.ipps-a@mail.mil.
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