DiscoverSanté publique (2022-2023) - Mathilde TouvierColloque - Nutritional Determinants of Health: Recent Research Discoveries and Translation into Public Health Action : An Exposome Perspective of Food Toxicology
Colloque - Nutritional Determinants of Health: Recent Research Discoveries and Translation into Public Health Action : An Exposome Perspective of Food Toxicology

Colloque - Nutritional Determinants of Health: Recent Research Discoveries and Translation into Public Health Action : An Exposome Perspective of Food Toxicology

Update: 2023-06-28


Mathilde Touvier

Santé publique 2022-2023

Collège de France

Colloque - Nutritional Determinants of Health: Recent Research Discoveries and Translation into Public Health Action : An Exposome Perspective of Food Toxicology


Pr Robert Barouki, Professor Université Paris Cité


The exposome represents the set of exposures that can influence human health throughout life. It includes, according to Chris Wild, the external physical exposures, the psychological and social context and the regulations of the internal environment. This new concept actually encompasses all risk factors of non-genetic origin. The diet is one of the major vectors of the chemical exposome. Additional contributions followed that of Wild, specifying in a more concrete way what the exposome could correspond to. Price et al. have defined the functional exposome as corresponding to the biological impacts of the exposome. Thus bridges have been built between exposome and toxicology with the objective of 1) developing an integrated analysis of the various stresses (mixture of chemical substances, interaction diets and exposure to chemical substances, interaction between psychosocial stresses and chemical substances taking into account long-term and potentially multi-generational effects; 2) strengthen the study of the impact of environmental factors on epigenetic regulations and eventually develop epigenotoxicity tests; 3) introduce the exploration of the exposome in clinical medicine (dietary contamination, indoor air, work environment, endocrine disruptors, etc.).

Robert Barouki

Robert Barouki, MD, PhD, is Professor of Biochemistry at Université Paris Cité and head of the Inserm unit T3S: "Toxicology, Therapeutic Targets, cellular Signaling and Biomarkers". He also heads the clinical metabolomics and proteomic biochemistry laboratory at the Necker Enfants malades hospital. His research is focused on the impact of environmental contaminants on human health, in particular POPs and EDCs and more generally on the links between the exposome and health. He is involved in several EU projects: HBM4EU and PARC (linking exposure to health), Heals and Neurosome (exposome), HERA (setting the research agenda in environment and health) and Oberon (EDC testing). He has also been involved in the networking of French and European research in the field of environment and health as well as in communicating scientific data to citizens.

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Colloque - Nutritional Determinants of Health: Recent Research Discoveries and Translation into Public Health Action : An Exposome Perspective of Food Toxicology

Colloque - Nutritional Determinants of Health: Recent Research Discoveries and Translation into Public Health Action : An Exposome Perspective of Food Toxicology

Mathilde Touvier