Common Loon is 2025’s Bird of the Year
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Move over Golden Winged Warbler, it’s a new year and there’s a new bird in town. The American Birding Association has announced that the Common Loon is the “Bird of the Year” for 2025. Famous for its appearance on Canadian currency and for its haunting calls on secluded northwoods lakes, the Common Loon also makes migratory appearances on lakes and rivers throughout the United States. We’re joined now by Birding magazine editor Frank Izaguirre. Also joining us is wildlife artist Sam Zimmerman from Crane Superior Studio.
<figure id="attachment_422678" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-422678" style="width: 1170px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><figcaption id="caption-attachment-422678" class="wp-caption-text">ABA Cover image. Art by Sam Zimmerman</figcaption></figure>
The post Common Loon is 2025’s Bird of the Year appeared first on WORT-FM 89.9.