Dental Habits to Avoid
1:22 - Fun Facts
3:25 - Wacky but true news
8:48 - Thing dentists say you shouldn’t do
14:29 - Question of the Podcast
In this conversation, Jason and Mindy discuss various topics, including dental advice, fun facts, wacky news, and a question of the podcast. They also mention their upcoming day off for Labor Day.
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Fun Facts
- 90% of the Earth’s organisms are insects.
- The average person speaks 450 words in a typical 3-minute phone call.
- Forrest Mars (son of the Mars Company founder) first spotted the British confection Smarties during the Spanish Civil War and noticed the candy shell prevented the chocolate from melting. He teamed up with Bruce Murrie (son of Hershey Chocolate's president) and the company later trademarked the “Melts.
- The lyrebird can mimic almost any sounds it hears — including chainsaws.Wildlife watchers have recorded the Australian species copying not only other birds but other animals, like koalas, and artificial sounds such as car alarms and camera shutters.
WACKY-BUT-TRUE: WOMAN WHO MARRIED KIDNAPPER LEAVES HIM FOR HER EX _ In China a man kidnapped a woman because she owed him money. The woman’s boyfriend called police, who tracked down the woman and her kidnapper and discovered the pair decided to get married. But then the woman left her husband/kidnapper and went back to her boyfriend.
WACKY-BUT-TRUE _ SPOILED MAN DRIVES NEW BMW INTO RIVER _ While most 22-year-olds would be ecstatic to receive a BMW as a present from their father, a guy in India wasn’t satisfied and threw a temper tantrum. He wanted a Jaguar and decided to drive his new BMW into a river.
WACKY-BUT-TRUE: EX-CON GETS HIMSELF ARRESTED TO REUNITE WITH JAIL BUDDY _ An ex-convict in Brazil was detained for filing a false police report in an attempt to get sent back to jail and see a friend still in detention. The guy was boozed up when he called in the fake police report. When cops asked him why he did it he replied, “I want to reunite with my friend and enjoy the peace of jail.”
WACKY-BUT-TRUE: TERMITES ATE WOMAN’S STASHED SAVINGS _ A woman in China recovered only a small portion of her savings after termites snacked on the hidden bills. The bugs ate through $1,625, which had been hidden in her closet.
These are the bad dental habits to avoid for a healthy smile, according to a dentist and professor of dentistry . . .
✗ Don’t fall for DIY dentistry trends: No matter how popular they are on TikTok or wherever, never try those whitening recipes or 3D printing aligners without talking to a professional first. (This also applies to ‘at-home cavity fillers’. Trust me!)
✗ Never play contact sports without a mouth guard: A professionally fitted sports guard can spare you a lot of pain and expense, in case something
goes wrong, causing an injury to your teeth. (Ironically, it’s usually my big mouth that ends up CAUSING me a mouth injury!)
✗ Don’t use your teeth as a tool: We’re all tempted to use our teeth to open packages, or even twist off bottle caps. This can mess with crowns and fillings, as well as your perfect teeth – and can lead to things like root canals and other repair jobs. (Chew on THAT for a minute!)
✗ Never wear a drugstore appliance without your dentist’s approval: Over-the-counter appliances, like night guard or sports guards, can sometimes cause teeth to shift. And to fix them could require an investment in full orthodontics. (Same goes for buying USED — I guess!)
✗ Never have a procedure done abroad without thorough research: The standard of care might be different in other countries. If you plan a trip for ‘medical tourism’, make sure that you know that things are sterilized properly, and done by a reputable organization.
✗ Don’t brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic food: Hold off for 45 minutes, because the acids in certain foods have a temporary softening effect on the enamel layer of our teeth.
✗ Don’t take your teeth for granted: Yes, we’d all like to have straight, white teeth, but remember: even if yours aren’t perfect, they still serve a very important purpose – helping you ingest the nutrition you need to power all your body’s functions.