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#DoorGrowShow - Property Management Growth: DGS 278: Unlocking Team Potential: The Keys to Engagement, Resilience, and High Performance

#DoorGrowShow - Property Management Growth: DGS 278: Unlocking Team Potential: The Keys to Engagement, Resilience, and High Performance

Update: 2025-01-08


When moving from being a solopreneur to having a team, a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with hiring high-quality team members, creating accountability, and streamlining processes.

In this episode of the #DoorGrowShow, property management growth expert Jason Hull sits down with award-winning coach and author Kon Apostolopoulos to talk all about unlocking your team’s potential.

You’ll Learn

[04:16 ] Hiring for Competance 

[12:48 ] Leadership and Building a Team

[29:19 ] Developing Team Members

[49:42 ] Tough Love as a Business Owner


 ”They say the two most important days in your life are the day you come into this world and the day you figure out why.”

“They all have their strategies, their business plans, but one thing for sure is that if they don't have the right people in place to execute those plans, they're not even worth the paper they're written on.”

“If they're hiring for competence, it's probably a step up, because in most cases, people are hiring for a pulse.”

“You can teach people the technical skills. You can't teach attitude. You can't teach certain behaviors. You can't teach integrity.”


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[00:00:00 ] Kon: When we are appreciated, we always give more than what is expected of us. So when you are looking at it, build your team around that principle. Show people that you value them. Don't just say, you know what, you get a paycheck, don't you? This is why I brought you on. Do your damn job. 

[00:00:16 ] Jason: Welcome DoorGrow property managers to the DoorGrow show. If you are a property management entrepreneur that wants to add doors, make a difference, increase revenue, help others, impact lives, and you are interested in growing in business and life, and you're open to doing things a bit differently then you are a DoorGrow property manager DoorGrow property managers, love the opportunities, daily variety, unique challenges and freedom that property management brings. Many in real estate think you're crazy for doing it. You think they're crazy for not because you realize that property management is the ultimate, high trust gateway to real estate deals, relationships, and residual income. At DoorGrow, we are on a mission to transform property management business owners and their businesses. We want to transform the industry, eliminate the BS, build awareness, change perception, expand the market, and help the best property management entrepreneurs win. I'm your host, property management growth expert, Jason Hull, the founder and CEO of DoorGrow.

[00:01:18 ] Now let's get into the show. 

[00:01:21 ] All right. I, my guest today is coach Kon. So Kon, how do you say your last name? I want to make sure I don't mess it up. 

[00:01:29 ] Kon: Wow. Well, first of all, thanks for having me, Jason. Last name is Apostolopoulos. It's as simple as it looks. 

[00:01:37 ] Jason: Man, that is fun to say. Apostolopoulos. 

[00:01:39 ] Kon: It rolls off the tongue.

[00:01:40 ] Jason: Yeah. The closest thing that might be as fun was the Snuffleupagus. 

[00:01:45 ] Kon: It's inspired from that. 

[00:01:47 ] Jason: Okay. All right. We'll go, you know, all great ideas have an origin. All right. So Kon, we're going to be chatting a little bit today about the keys to engagement, resilience, high performance, unlocking team potential.

[00:02:02 ] So before we get into that, I'd love to get a little bit of background on you. How did you get into doing coaching and you know, kind of share your origin story. 

[00:02:12 ] Kon: Wow. Okay. So let's kind of take a look at this. First of all, I'll start with one of my favorite sayings. Because I do feel blessed.

[00:02:19 ] It is the season for that kind of a feeling. You know, they say the two most important days in your life are the day you come into this world and the day you figure out why. And so to me, I have always gravitated towards being a coach, being a teacher, being a leader, stepping up and taking responsibility.

[00:02:38 ] And so that's kind of shaped my life. Being the firstborn in a Greek household and the firstborn male at that. It's one of those situations where, Inevitably, you're thrust into that role, but I gravitated towards it, and I found myself, regardless of which industry I've been working in, everything from the military to cruise ships, from restaurants to call centers, from construction to coaching little kids' soccer, I've always been in a situation where I found myself in the role of coach, teacher, leader. You know, I've worked for large corporations. I've had my share of corporate where I've cut my teeth and I've learned a lot of the business secrets and the things that I needed to get. And in the last 12 years, I've hung my own single shingle and been in a situation where I've been able to help clients and transfer three decades of knowledge of managing talent, of being able to build engaged and resilient teams and helping them now achieve their goals.

[00:03:34 ] And the way I do that is I explained to people that most of the companies that I work with have their business plans very much like the audience that we have here. They all have their strategies their business plans. But one thing for sure is that if they don't have the right people in place to execute those plans, they're not even worth the paper they're written on. And so to me, that's where I come in and sometimes that involves providing workshops to build competence. Sometimes that involves individual or group coaching to build commitment. Sometimes that's speaking at events for them to be able to get everybody on the same page. And ultimately that may involve helping them build the systems that they need so every dollar that they spend on their people is a dollar well spent. 

[00:04:14 ] Jason: Got it. Okay. Now I think a lot of times that the challenge I see in a lot of companies is they're bringing in, it's often people are hiring just based on skill. That's the thing they're looking at is like, are they willing to do this job for this pay? Instead of looking for people that fit their values, fit the culture, have the right personality fit to actually be able to succeed in the role.

[00:04:38 ] And so I call those things, the three fits. What have you seen related to this? 

[00:04:42 ] Kon: When people go out and start hiring Jason, they typically do it out of need, and a lot of times they've let it go for so long that it becomes a desperation. If they're hiring for competence, it's probably a step up, because in most cases, people are hiring for a pulse.

[00:04:56 ] They're trying to throw a body at a spot, and that's a desperate place to be in, unfortunately. Hiring process, the selection process, should be an ongoing thing. When you're looking at making sure that you have the right people on your team. That's an ongoing process to me. That's tending to your garden year round, to making sure that you have the right people in place year round.

[00:05:17 ] The mantra that I teach my people is a three part piece, just like you were mentioning earlier. It's hire hard, train smart, manage easy. And to me that means basically being very picky about who I bring on my team. It's easy for people or it's easier for people to look at, do they have the skills? Because that's an yes or no answer most of the time, especially if you do it right. But what they don't realize is that you can teach people the technical skills. You can't teach attitude. You can't teach certain behaviors. You can't teach integrity. You're bringing somebody in your team in their thirties.

[00:05:50 ] If you have to teach them how to be honest, that's too late in the game. 

[00:05:54 ] Jason: Yes. 

[00:05:55 ] Kon: So hire for the attitude, like you were talking about the things that are harder to teach, and then you can teach them smartly about the business that you want. If you have a right person in the right spot, they can do wonders.

[00:06:09 ] Jason: Yeah, I've noticed this. I've noticed this as well. One of the things I've noticed is I call it the process myth. I see a lot of businesses, you know, a lot of entrepreneurs go through this journey of graduating from solopreneur to having a team, right? And that's usually one of the most painful transitions they go through.

[00:06:25 ] It's because they have no clue how to do the hiring correctly. And they're hiring the way a solopreneur sort of thinks. And they're usually hiring based on what they think the business needs. Like you said, out of need, maybe they graduate to desperation. Maybe they graduate to competence, as you said, but at that stage, they usually believe the process myth.

[00:06:43 ] I've run into this a lot where they think they just need better processes. If they just had better processes, their team would actually perform well. Like,

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#DoorGrowShow - Property Management Growth: DGS 278: Unlocking Team Potential: The Keys to Engagement, Resilience, and High Performance

#DoorGrowShow - Property Management Growth: DGS 278: Unlocking Team Potential: The Keys to Engagement, Resilience, and High Performance