DiscoverBear老師的雙語故事:bilingual、學中文、學英文EP.69 英文繪本《我不想上床睡覺》/ An English picture book “I don't want to go to bed”
EP.69 英文繪本《我不想上床睡覺》/ An English picture book “I don't want to go to bed”

EP.69 英文繪本《我不想上床睡覺》/ An English picture book “I don't want to go to bed”

Update: 2024-05-15







城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888

----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----







Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,在上一集當中,Nandi小朋友不想去睡覺。(In the previous episode, Little Nandi didn’t want to go to sleep.)在這一集當中,小老虎也不想上床睡覺。(In this episode, Little Tiger doesn’t want to go to bed either.)你想聽聽看不願意睡覺的小老虎去了哪裡嗎(Do you want to hear where Little Tiger went when he didn't want to go to bed?)

An English picture book “I don't want to go to bed” /英文繪本《我不想上床睡覺》

Created by Julie Sykes and Tim Warnes / 創作者:Julie Sykes and Tim Warnes

Little tiger was very naughty. He did not like going to bed.

小老虎非常調皮。 他不喜歡上床睡覺。

Every night when Mummy Tiger said“Bedtime!”


Little Tiger would say, “ But I don't want to go to bed!”


Little Tiger wouldn't let Mummy Tiger clean his face and paws, and he wouldn't listen to his

bedtime story.


One night, Mummy Tiger lost her temper.


When little tiger said, “ I don't want to go to bed!”


Mummy tiger roared, “All right, you can stay up all night then!”


Little Tiger couldn't believe his good luck. He scampered off into the jungle before Mummy Tiger could change her mind.


Little Tiger went to visit his best friend, Little Lion.


When he arrived, Little Lion was having his ears washed.


“ It's bedtime,” growled Daddy Lion. “ Why are you still up?”

「該睡覺了,」獅子爸爸咆哮: 「你怎麼還沒睡?」

“I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger, and he skipped off into the jungle before Daddy Lion could wash his ears, too!

「我不想上床睡覺!」 小老虎說完就跳進叢林裡,因為他怕獅子爸爸也把他抓去洗耳朵!

Little Tiger decided to visit his second best friend, Little Hippo.


He found him splashing in the river, having a bedtime bath.


“It’s bedtime,” bellowed Daddy Hippo. “Why are you still up?”


“I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger, and he scurried off into the jungle before Daddy Hippo could give him a bath, too!


Little Elephant was Little Tiger’s third best friend.

小老虎跑去找小象,他是小老虎的第三好朋友 。

He went to visit him next. Little Elephant was not out playing.

小象沒有出去玩, 他躺在床上,聽著睡前故事。

He was in bed, listening to his bedtime story. “It's bedtime,” trumpeted Mummy Elephant. “Why are you still up?”

「該睡覺了,」大象媽媽用響亮的聲音大聲說: 「你怎麼還沒睡?」

“I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger, and he bounced off into the jungle before Mummy Elephant could put him to bed, too!


Little Tiger thought he would go and find Little Monkey, his fourth best friend.


But he found Mummy Monkey first. She put a finger to her lips and whispered, “Little Monkey is fast asleep. Why are you still up?”

但他先找到了猴媽媽。 猴媽媽把一根手指頭放在嘴唇上小聲地說:「小猴子已經熟睡了。 你怎麼還沒睡?」

“I don't want to go to bed!” Little Tiger whispered back. Quickly he tiptoed into the jungle before Mummy Monkey made him fall asleep, too!

「我不想上床睡覺!」 小虎小聲地回答,然後很快就躡手躡腳地走進了叢林,他怕猴子媽媽也讓他睡著了!

Little Tiger didn’t know where to go next. It was the first time he had been on his own in the jungle so late.

小老虎不知道下一步該去哪裡。 這是他第一次這麼晚了還獨自待在叢林裡。

Even the Sun had gone to bed. Suddenly it seemed very dark.

連太陽也上床睡覺了。 突然間,天似乎很黑。

“What was that?” Little Tiger looked up and saw… two very large yellow eyes staring back at him!

「那是什麼?」 小老虎抬頭一看……兩隻黃色的大眼睛正盯著他!

The eyes belonged to a Bush Baby. “Shouldn't you be in the bed?” she asked.

那是嬰猴的眼睛。 「你不是應該在床上嗎?」 她問。

“I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger bravely, “You haven't!”

「我不想上床睡覺!」 小老虎勇敢地說:「你就還沒睡!」

“That's because I go to bed when the sun rises,” said Bush Baby.


“Fancy going to bed in the lovely sunshine!” thought Little Tiger.

“真想在美好的陽光下睡覺!” 小老虎想。

He shivered and thought how cold and dark it was in the jungle at night.


“I'm going to take you home.” said Bush Baby. “Your mummy and daddy will be worried about you.”

「我要送你回家。」 嬰猴說。 「你的爸爸媽媽會擔心你的。」

“I don't want to go home! I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger.

「我不想回家! 我不想上床睡​​覺!」 小老虎說。

But he didn't want to be left alone in the dark either. So Little Tiger followed Bush Baby through the jungle.

但他也不想獨自留在黑暗中。 於是小老虎跟著嬰猴穿過叢林。

He was glad of her big bright eyes to show him the way back home.


“We are nearly there,” said Bush Baby as Little Tiger’s steps became slower and slower.


“I don’t want to…” said Little Tiger sleepily, dragging his paws.


“Ah, there you are,” said Mummy Tiger. “Just in time for bed!”

「啊,你在這兒啊,」老虎媽媽說。 「正好趕上睡覺時間!」

“I don't want to …” yawned Little Tiger, and he fell fast asleep!


Mummy Tiger tucked him up and then turned to Bush Baby… but the den was empty.


Bush baby had disappeared into the jungle before Mummy Tiger could tuck her up, too!”


小朋友,每天晚上你是不是也折騰老半天才願意上床睡覺呢?(Do you struggle for a long time every night before you are ready to go to bed?)你可要好好地謝謝父母耐心地等你睡著喔。(You really have to thank your parents for waiting patiently for you to fall asleep.)


“I’m sleepy now.”


“I’m sleepy now.”

小朋友,該睡覺的時候,就快去睡覺,身體才會健康喔。(Kids, when it’s time to sleep, you should just sleep – it’s better for your health.)

我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!


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End of Episode

5 Minutes

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15 Minutes

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45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

EP.69 英文繪本《我不想上床睡覺》/ An English picture book “I don't want to go to bed”

EP.69 英文繪本《我不想上床睡覺》/ An English picture book “I don't want to go to bed”

Bear Weir