Emblems of the Holy Spirit: The Dove - S05E02
S05E02: The Dove
Series: Emblems of the Holy Spirit
Host: Rev. Dr. Charles Zuta
The Holy Spirit is a person. A person, who as the third person in the trinity is responsible for the regeneration of the sinner, leading the believer into the will and purposes of God, and transforming the believer into the image of Christ. While many believers in Christ know about God the Father and God the Son, God the Holy Spirit remains a mystery to many believers. However, knowing the Holy Spirit personally, makes all the difference in our walk with God. The word of God helps us to know the invisible aspects of the personality of the Holy Spirit by the symbols or emblems used to characterize the Holy Spirit. I discuss some of these emblems in the next series of episodes, starting with the Holy Spirit symbolized by a Dove.
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