Ep. 916 – Love, Loss, and The Immigrant Experience with Anya Gillinson (@GillinsonAnya)
“'I owed it to people in my family who were phenomenal individuals and to my own sense of pride to finish this book.” – Anya Gillinson
Today’s featured author is a mom, wife, and immigration lawyer, Anya Gillinson. Anya and I had a chat about her book, “Dreaming in Russian: A Memoir”, her experiences as an immigrant from Russia to the United States, the importance of perseverance, and more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How Anya’s father influenced her career and life values
What inspired Anya to finally write and publish her book
The emotional and structural challenges of writing her memoir
What it’s like living between two cultures and the challenges of maintaining her identity
Anya’s Site: https://www.anyagillinson.com/
Anya’s Book: https://a.co/d/eSuJTfu
The opening track is titled, "Set Sail" by Sparks Dynamite. To listen to and download the full track, click the following link. https://planetastroproductions.bandcamp.com/track/set-sail-intro
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