Ep10: Digital Inclusion - An iMason Partner takes action
Lockdown strategies prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic actually increased digital inequality and its consequences are even more severe now that the world is heavily relying on digital infrastructure.
Of urgent concern is the impact of the pandemic on children being homeschooled in households often sharing one device, often a mobile phone, for the whole family, or worse – no available technology at all - and this issue will remain after lockdown as children and parents battle to catch up.
Liz Raven, Head of Quality at Yondr and EMEA Lead for iMasons Millennials / Gen Z MRG (Member Resource Group), is taking action.
We’re joined today by Liz Raven and Collette Nabyonga, Co-Founder of TechInclusionUK who have developed A Circular Solution to Address Digital Exclusion and Tackle e-waste - actively helping children on the wrong side of digital inequality