Ep13: We have to think differently to save the planet
Hyperscalers like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, as well as many of 40+ iMasons Partner Companies, have made bold commitments to Sustainability and are applauded for their leadership. But, the big question remains - is this enough to save the planet?
Many say we need to do much more and start thinking differently, including Christian Belady (VP Microsoft) and Eddie Schutter (CTO Switch) who met with Dean Nelson (iMason Founder and Chairman) to discuss the role Digital Infrastructure should play in a global holistic industrial solution to sustainability?
Eddie is also an iMasons Board Member and also the Executive Sponsor for the new iMasons Technology Committee. Christian is also a Founding Member of iMasons and has agreed to help launch and guide the new Technology Committee, as the Vice-Chair. The vision is that iMasons will recruit a new, fresh face for the key Chair role to help lead the committee along with Christian and Eddie. Let us know if you have any recommendations.