Ep14: Mental Wellbeing - Practical steps to reduce the negative impact of work related stress
The pressures on those working in the Digital Infrastructure sector are beginning to weigh heavily on people having to cope with dramatically increasing demand and tightening supply chains. Whilst work-related stress and anxiety are nothing new - no industry or sector has expanded as quickly in history.
We're joined by 3 subject matter experts - Dr. Eva Ritvo (Speaker, Author, and Psychiatrist & A Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association) Professor Laura Baker (Professor of Psychology at the Centre for Mindfulness Science at USC), and Dr Julie Albright (iMason Board member, Digital Sociologist, Doctorate in Marriage and Family therapy)
The ladies discuss practical steps that can be taken and share their "Wellness Tool Kit" - a simple and effective list of "Tips and Tricks" you can dive into when feeling stretched.