Episode #162: Converting To Orthodox Mormonism W/Felipe & Merilynne Cervantes
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One of the things we all need as disciples of Christ is fellowship with others. This isn’t only because we want someone else to hangout with but because each of has a unique story to tell. One of the things that is so vitally important is to hear from others is how they got to where they are in their spiritual journeys. There are things in those stories that remind us of why we believe what it is we believe. This episode defiantly falls into that category as I sit down and have a conversation with Felipe & Merilynnes and how they came to be converted to the orthodox teachings of Mormonism. We cover Merilynnes upbringing in Utah as a fully active member of the LDS Church, her time in college and on a mission. We then here from Felipe and how he journeyed from being a catholic to a member of the LDS Church and then being introduced to orthodox Mormon teaching and how Felipe & Merilynne grew together while studying those early Mormon teachings. We cover how their families reacted to their conversions and what their experiences have been in living orthodox Mormonism.