DiscoverThe Truth DisciplesEpisode 24 - The Faked NASA Apollo Missions - In Conversation with Filmmaker & Author Bart Sibrel
Episode 24 - The Faked NASA Apollo Missions - In Conversation with Filmmaker & Author Bart Sibrel

Episode 24 - The Faked NASA Apollo Missions - In Conversation with Filmmaker & Author Bart Sibrel

Update: 2024-02-08


Welcome back everyone to the Truth Disciples for a special episode with our guest Bart Sibrel. Before listening, we have a question for you. In a world of deceit, propaganda, and corrupt mainstream media where we are constantly being bombarded by half-truths and falsehoods what would you say is the biggest lie that we have ever been sold? 

It’s a tough question to answer for most because let’s be honest, there is a mountain of options to choose from. Is it 9/11? or the Kennedy assassination and the magic bullet? maybe even the history of mankind? 

I believe however that the subject we cover in this episode with Bart, may actually be the biggest lie and the most effective magic trick that was ever played on humanity. 

This particular topic is one of the hardest illusions to break when trying to wake up the average person to the level of deception and the truth in our modern world. The emotional attachment that people have to this topic makes the illusion even harder to break when trying to shake people out of their hypnotic sleep. 

Bart has researched this subject for the best part of 30 years and is in our opinion a hero for exposing the deception cover in this discussion. At great sacrifice and danger to himself he has bravely and relentlessly stuck to his mission of revealing the truth around this touchy and highly emotional issue. One highly important point I want to emphasise here before you listen is that whistle-blowers make a life changing decision when they decide to blow the lid off of a conspiracy that’s been committed by government, related intelligence agencies or establishment forces. Making that selfless decision, makes their life harder and of course in some cases like this one very dangerous from that point onwards! They sacrifice everything for the benefit of the public and for the truth-seekers, who are looking for information. Sometimes we take their sacrifice for granted. We shouldn’t! Unless we have been a whistle-blower ourselves, we can’t even begin to imagine the life changing path they have chosen for our benefit. 

Bart is an award winning filmmaker, writer and investigative journalist who has been producing television programs and documentaries for over 3 decades. The 2 documentaries we will be concentrating on are “Something funny happened on the way to the Moon in 2001” & “Astronauts Gone Wild in 2004”. He has owned 5 production companies, been employed by 2 of the 3 major networks, worked as a television news reporter and produced segments for ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN. His films have been published in the New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post and Time magazine. He has won many awards including Best Cinematography, Best Editing and Top Ten director by the American Motion Picture Society. Enjoy the show, listen to the information and from that point conduct your own research to come to your own conclusion. We suggest the best place to start on this topic is to watch Bart’s documentaries at and also purchase his book ‘Moon Man’ which goes deep into the proofs and details the whole story. All links provided below. Countdown is progressing….. 10…..9…..8….7……….

Bart Sibrel’s Website (All proofs discussed can be found here).

Where to buy Bart’s Book ‘Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List’

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Episode 24 - The Faked NASA Apollo Missions - In Conversation with Filmmaker & Author Bart Sibrel

Episode 24 - The Faked NASA Apollo Missions - In Conversation with Filmmaker & Author Bart Sibrel

John, Paul and Luke (JPL)