DiscoverThe Truth DisciplesEpisode 29 - The Saturn Death Cult & The Electric Universe with Author Troy D. McLachlan - Part 1
Episode 29 - The Saturn Death Cult & The Electric Universe with Author Troy D. McLachlan - Part 1

Episode 29 - The Saturn Death Cult & The Electric Universe with Author Troy D. McLachlan - Part 1

Update: 2024-03-14


Welcome back beautiful Truthites, we are delighted you are joining us for the first part of our interview with Historian, Researcher and Author Troy D McLachlan as we discuss the controversial ‘Electric Universe Theory’ which he details in his two published books, “The Saturn Death Cult” and “The Purple Dawn of Creation”.

In our education system we are taught a gravitational model to explain our solar system and most never question it. However, when you look into that model with any depth you find that there are serious missing parts required to make it work according to mainstream cosmologist’s mathematics and their related theories. 

The Standard model doesn’t work without plugging more holes than you find in a block of Swiss cheese. The Big Bang? That is just a disaster of a model when scrutinised with a storyline Hollywood wouldn’t touch with a plot in summary that goes something like this. There was nothing, then that nothing exploded with an Abrahadabra and formed everything. On our Earth we then have the birth of cells without nucleus (Prokaryotes) to cells with nucleus (Eukaryotes), then to Bacteria, then Protozoa, then Fungi Sponges and Sea Corals, through the Cambrian Explosion, to Fish, then Reptiles, then Birds, Mammals and Eventually humans. From nothing to everything in the universe with a complexity in design our brightest scientific minds can’t even begin to understand even though they tell you they do. The mere fairy tale of dreamy scientists who claim it as fact. 

Troy breaks down the Electric Universe & Saturn Theory, how that model works and how our ancient ancestors developed mythology to tell the real story of our Solar Systems origin in a former Golden Age of abundance where Saturn was our original Sun. In this model the Sun we have now ejected Saturn out into the depths of our solar system in a cataclysmic event that changed our world forever. He details the work of Velikovsky, Hannes Alfven & Dwardu Cardona as he states the case for this alternative model for our Solar System and the wider Universe. We also discuss the problems with the currently accepted mainstream science model built on a foundation of Newton's law of Universal Gravitation. Gravity waves anyone?

Did you know the mathematics of the gravitational model do not work? Did you know that 95% of the mass required to make the gravitational model work is missing so they just invented the mysterious Dark Energy and Dark Matter to plug the hole? Did you know the speed of light is not a constant as stated and that the speed of light actually varies? 

Part 1 of this interview sets the stage and backstory for the world we live in today where we are controlled by an occult obsessed elite who worship Saturn and use the archetypes of our ancient mythology to control the masses. Enjoy the episode and be sure to join us for Part 2 where we bring things up to modern day and help explain why our society is designed the way it is…. One where we are slaves to the modern day Saturn Death Cult intent on forcing a new Technologically based Golden Age where they can become gods. 


Troy’s Website

Troy’s Books


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Episode 29 - The Saturn Death Cult & The Electric Universe with Author Troy D. McLachlan - Part 1

Episode 29 - The Saturn Death Cult & The Electric Universe with Author Troy D. McLachlan - Part 1

John, Paul and Luke (JPL)