DiscoverThe Truth DisciplesEpisode 28 - In conversation with David Weiss aka 'Flat Earth Dave' - The Flat Earth
Episode 28 - In conversation with David Weiss aka 'Flat Earth Dave' - The Flat Earth

Episode 28 - In conversation with David Weiss aka 'Flat Earth Dave' - The Flat Earth

Update: 2024-03-09


Welcome back fellow truthseeker for what will be a very triggering subject for most of you especially if you are coming to this subject for the very first time. As always we ask that you keep an open mind by trying to resist the bias that we all have as we encounter new information. Digest the information and then investigate for yourself the claims and arguments you hear put forward by our guest in this episode. Oh, and don’t forget, he has 3 bitcoins up for grabs worth appx $100,000 at the time of writing if you can provide one testable proof the world, our Earth is what we were told it was. 

OK, Deep breath, swim shorts and scuba mask on…..let’s dive into the controversial waters of today’s topic. 

What do you believe is the shape and form of our world? I know, silly question right? Or is it? I can hear you shouting at the screen now…..”C’mon we all played with Globes in school and we have all seen plenty of Earth Globe photos from space taken on the plethora of NASA missions that have been conducted since the 1969 Apollo mission”. “I’ve seen ships disappear over the horizon and watched the sun disappear every night as it drops beneath the curve”.

Firstly, we are completely impartial on this topic although there are some interesting arguments put forth that we should consider and investigate if we are indeed following a true scientific approach to our research in our quest for truth. Someone makes an outrageous claim, we crush it with real science right? Science is never settled, and if a “scientist” makes the claim it is, then you should discount them as an authentic so-called scientist you can trust. How many times over the past few years did we hear “Trust the Science” and look where that got a lot of people. Real science is observable, measurable and repeatable, theories are just that…. Theories and not fact. The scientific approach encourages a constant re-evaluation of models, theories and contradictory arguments. Our question for you before you step into this is 

Today’s guest Dave Weiss aka Flat Earth Dave is one of the most well-known figures within the Truth field. His energy and drive to wake others up to the corruption in this world is mindblowing. He has performed more interviews and presentations on this subject than anyone we have come across in the truther field. Dave was an atheist and completely against the Flat Earth theory when he was presented with it. He discounted it for a long time, even banning people from the podcast he was a co-host on at that time. Eventually he tried to debunk it to stop people bringing up such a stupid subject. What happened? He couldn’t debunk it after weeks and months of trying and here he is…. believing we live on an intelligently designed realm on a horizontal topographical plane…. A Flat Earth!

Dave is the creator of the ingenious and information packed ‘Flat Earth, Sun, Moon and Zodiac Clock App’ that you can download via links on his website or alternatively from your Apple or Android app stores. Dave’s message is don’t believe a word he says, check it out for yourself by reserching and trying to debunk it! The app has all the videos you will ever need to research on your own, all the videos that are now deeply buried under piles of internet censorship as the topic has gained traction in recent years. All links to Dave’s socials etc are listed below….. Enjoy!!!

Intro Music - 'The Flat Earth' - performed by the Urban Beats network

Outro Music - 'Flat Earth Syndrome' - performed by Troy Kingi

Direct Link to App 

Dave’s Website

Dave’s You Tube (DITRH)

Dave’s Interviews


Dave’s Instagram






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Episode 28 - In conversation with David Weiss aka 'Flat Earth Dave' - The Flat Earth

Episode 28 - In conversation with David Weiss aka 'Flat Earth Dave' - The Flat Earth

John, Paul and Luke (JPL)