DiscoverWe Only LOOK ThinEpisode 351 – The Fall Guy
Episode 351 – The Fall Guy

Episode 351 – The Fall Guy

Update: 2024-09-30


If you’re like me, you thought the movie “The Fall Guy” was about a guy who loved the Autumn so much that he dedicated his life to keeping the Fall season in his heart all the year round.  It turns out, that movie was about a stunt person in love with a Director who solves crimes for some reason.  Have you ever thought about how cool it would be to have your own stunt person step in when your health and fitness gets hard?  If you’re like Catherine and Donald, you’ve often wished for someone else who could do the hard parts when it comes to weight loss.  This week, the couple help you to realize that you are your own stunt double, capable of facing any situation yourself.  Plus, you can’t rely on Donald for textiles, Catherine reveals a shocking truth about churning your own butter, and lawyers gotta loy.

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120 Minutes

Episode 351 – The Fall Guy

Episode 351 – The Fall Guy
