DiscoverFIR on Higher EducationFIR on Higher Education #52: Communications and Strategic Positioning
FIR on Higher Education #52: Communications and Strategic Positioning

FIR on Higher Education #52: Communications and Strategic Positioning

Update: 2016-04-09


Bertrand GuillotinThere is a big difference between communicating an institution’s brand if it is based on prestige or reputation. We delve into this nuance on episode 52 of FIR on Higher Education.

Guest Bertrand Guillotin, a professor at Temple University’s Fox School of Business, has researched the internationalization strategies of business schools and shares some of his findings and how it implies to anyone working within higher education. Among the topics addressed are:

  • Differentiation

  • Authentic marketing

  • Expansion into global markets

  • Communicators role in working with leadership on evaluating markets to explore

  • Communications strategies with accrediting bodies

Articles related to the interview:

Universities vie for the metric that cannot be measured: prestige (The Guardian)

Why some business schools are deciding to “deglobalise” (The Economist)

About Bertrand Guillotin

Bertrand Guillotin joined the Fox School of Business on July 1st, 2015. He serves as Assistant Professor and Academic Director of the International Business Administration undergraduate program in the Strategic Management department. He is also very engaged with the Academic of International Business as Chair for the US Northeast Chapter and the Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education.

His research combines international business and strategic management. His recent publications include articles in the European Foundation for Management Development’s Global Focus, the Financial Times (London, UK), Les Echos, a prominent French economic newspaper, and the Thunderbird International Business Review.

The post FIR on Higher Education #52: Communications and Strategic Positioning appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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FIR on Higher Education #52: Communications and Strategic Positioning

FIR on Higher Education #52: Communications and Strategic Positioning

Kevin Anselmo