Fitz Koehler - Author, Breast Cancer Survivor, Fitness Innovator, Race Announcer, Athlete, Kickboxer
Seven weeks after a clear mammogram, Fitz found a lump on her breast. She is clear in telling us what her next steps where, she didn’t look at WebMD, she didn’t call her friend, she called the DAMN Doctor and made an immediate appointment. Fitz bravely whooped up on breast cancer, all the while continuing her schedule of race announcing. She chronicles it all in her book My Noisy Cancer Comeback: Running at the Mouth, While Running for My Life Fitz calls her book a love letter written to the entire Running Industry for keeping her going through the challenges of breast cancer. As a race announcer, Fitz is there for the speedsters, as well as, the back of pack runners. She is the energy that sends you off at the start line and cheers you on as you make your way to the finish.