DiscoverMedicine via myPodHealthy Looks Great on You: 10 Must Know Risk Factors for Dementia
Healthy Looks Great on You: 10 Must Know Risk Factors for Dementia

Healthy Looks Great on You: 10 Must Know Risk Factors for Dementia

Update: 2025-01-17


Do you want to be proactive about your health, or do you just shrug your shoulders and figure you play the cards you're dealt? And the big question is, what difference does it make? Today we're going to look at 10 things that contribute to the development of dementia and what, if anything, you can do about it.
 I'm Dr.Vickie Petz Kasper. I practiced obstetrics and gynecology for 20 years until I landed on the other side of the sheets   as a very sick patient. When my own body betrayed me, I took a handful of pills to manage my disease and another handful to counteract the side effects. My health was out of control.
Through surgery, medications, and lots of prayers, I  regained my strength only to face another  diagnosis.  My doctor challenged me to make radical changes through lifestyle medicine. Now I feel great and I want to help you make changes that make a difference. Healthy Looks Great On You podcast takes you to mini medical school so you can learn the power of lifestyle medicine.
If you're ready to take control of your health, you're in the right  place. Whether you're focused on prevention or you're trying to manage a condition. I'll give you practical steps to start your own journey toward better health because healthy looks great on you.
This is episode 155, Ten Must Know Risk Factors for Dementia.  Which ones can you alter, and which ones you just gotta accept. Here's the deal, dementia isn't just one condition with one cause, it's more like a puzzle with pieces that fit together differently for each person. And some of these pieces are fixed, but others, well, they're more like clay that you can reshape.
And that's exactly what we're going to dive into today.  
What if I told you that some of the choices you're making right now, today, could be tilting the scales either for or against your brain health. It's never too early or too late to make changes that affect your overall health, and that includes your brain health. So, whether you're in your 30s or in your 60s, stick around. 
We're about to break down these 10 risk factors for dementia and what you can do about it. Number one on the list is age. Yeah, I know, there's not a thing in the world you can do about it. This is one you have to accept. And if you're a woman, aged 45, your chances of developing dementia during your lifetime are 1 in 5. If you're a man, it's one in 10. And even though I didn't include biologic sex in this list, clearly women are at increased risk, but there may be reasons for that that you can alter.
Bottom line is age is the biggest risk factor for dementia and the older you get, the greater the risk. In fact, the chances double every five years after age 65.  To quote Andy Rooney, it's paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone. But the idea of getting old doesn't appeal to anyone.
And that's generally true and with good reason. I mean, it's not called over the hill for nothing.  They say you should grow old gracefully. Ha! There's nothing graceful about some of the tolls the years take. And according to George Burns, you know you're getting old when you stoop over to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else could you do while you're down there. 
George Burns, remember him? He lived to be 100 years old and was pretty healthy. We're gonna come back to that, so be sure you listen until the end. But age is just one risk factor you have to accept.  But while you're practicing acceptance, here's another one you can't control. Family history. 
 If someone in your family had dementia, then you are at increased risk. And if more than one somebody in your family had dementia, you're at even more risk. And you know what they say, you can't change the past, but you can change the future. You can start where you are and change the ending.
And I want you to remember that quote as we talk through this, because even if you have a strong family history of dementia, your fate is not sealed, but it is at risk. So,



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Healthy Looks Great on You: 10 Must Know Risk Factors for Dementia

Healthy Looks Great on You: 10 Must Know Risk Factors for Dementia