How Talents influence Development in children - with Dries Lombaard
In this conversation with Dries Lombaard we explore how Talents and Strengths show up in children:
- How early can we recognise Talents in children?
- Do children with different Talents develop differently?
- How do values and needs of developmental stages influence Talents?
Dries Lombaard has been in the field of Strengths-Coaching for more than 20 years and the Author of "Launch your Brilliance". He has lead everything from Team Building, Executive Coaching to Training Programs in this field. In addition to being highly results driven he uses his Strengths for deep thinking understand what strengths actually are and how to use them. His Website is:
Lucas Forstmeyer is leading Online Courses, Groups and Sessions teaching people to connect with themselves and others from a deeper sense of Self. His work focuses on Intimacy, Productivity and work with the Inner Critic. His Website is