How often can you sell without alienating your audience?
How often should you SELL on social media? How often should you post promotional content versus educational or engagement posts on Instagram?
There a formula for how often you should be promoting offers and in this episode, I'll spill it.
And a surefire sign your sales frequency isnt the problem-- your messaging is.
How do you sell on Instagram Stories without being too pushy?
How many times per week should I include a call-to-action (CTA) to buy?
Is it okay to sell in every post if it’s done creatively?
What’s the ideal ratio of selling posts to value posts?
How often should you post promotional content versus educational or engagement posts on Instagram?
Will posting too many sales-focused posts make my audience unfollow you?
Is there a standard rule for how often your business should promote your products/services on Instagram?
✨Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass on “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"
Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)
🎉 Tap here to work with Jenna inside Magic Marketing Machine (or MMM+)!
Music by Jordan Wood
Hosted by Jenna Harding (Warriner), Creator of Magic Marketing Machine