Human Design with Jen

Human Design with Jen

Update: 2024-07-26


In this episode of the Humane Marketing podcast we dive deep into the transformative power of Human Design with expert Jen Freeman.

We'll explore what Human Design is, how it can be specifically applied to business and entrepreneurship, and how understanding your type can help you in making informed business decisions.

Jen shares insights on how each type might approach business differently and highlights key aspects of Human Design that are particularly relevant to entrepreneurs.

Join us for an inspiring conversation to help you create a business that is authentically aligned with who you are.

Here's what we discussed in this episode:

  • What Human Design is for those who might not be familiar with it.
  • How Human Design can be applied specifically to business and entrepreneurship.
  • How knowing one's type can help in business decisions.
  • An overview of how each type might approach business differently.
  • Specific aspects of Human Design that are more relevant to business, like authority or profile, or certain channels or gates.
  • How understanding our own Human Design has influenced our business journeys (both the guest's and mine).
  • A sneak preview of what will be shared at our Collab Workshop on August 7th.
  • And so much more


[00:00:00 ]

video1299808011: [00:01:00 ] [00:02:00 ] [00:03:00 ] [00:04:00 ] [00:05:00 ] [00:06:00 ] [00:07:00 ] [00:08:00 ] [00:09:00 ] Jen, it's so good to have you here. Welcome to the Humane Marketing Podcast. Thank you. I'm very excited to be here. Thanks for having me. Yeah. Super happy to have this conversation with you. I feel like we, we've known each other for a long time. I just mentioned it in the intro, how we got to know one another and yeah, it's a pleasure to have you here.

And even more to collaborate on this workshop together that we have coming up. So let's give people a little intro to well, human design and how we use it in business, but then we'll go much further into this during the workshop on August 7th. So why don't you start [00:10:00 ] Jen with explaining, maybe there's people who are listening who have never heard of human design.

So I feel like yes, it's kind of in the zeitgeist, but maybe there's people who have not heard of it. So just kind of like a general introduction to human design. Okay, great. So the human design system was brought in by a gentleman named Rob, and he heard a voice and it said, are you ready? And for the next 9 straight days, he downloaded the system.

I believe this was the early 80s and he tested it over the next 10 years. And he found it to be very accurate and began to slowly roll it out. And it grew to what it is today, where he's past, since past, but his school lives on, all the people he's trained. And the essence of it, it's based on something called the neutrino stream.

And the neutrino is an infinitesimally small particle of mat that is a tiny bit of mass That comes from the sun and we filter these neutrino particles. And even in like our thumb, there's something [00:11:00 ] like 20 million in our phone at any given second. So it's part of the essence of being human is this interaction between our sun and how that interacts with us.

So part of what human design system shows people is, is divided into types, which we'll talk about more in a bit. And it helps you to understand how your systems interacting with this neutrino stream and how you can truly. Work with it well to really live your best life. And so much of it has to do with how to really let go of conditioning, because we have something called centers.

Some of them are open where we're deeply receiving conditioning, both from other people, the environment planets. And then there's ones that are called fix where we put out our own, I think of it, our own radio station. So human designs, the art of learning how to truly move correctly with your energy field in alignment with the whole.

So it's not just you by yourself. Okay. You know, on your lonesome, it's really you inside all of life and how you can contribute both your well being and to the well being of life in the most optimal [00:12:00 ] manner. Yeah. It, it, it really is hard to describe it in such a short time, right? Because it's so complex.

And when you first hear it and you hear like, What, this guy invented this and it was like a download and what, neutrino streams, what the heck is that? But yeah, it really has such depth that it took me years to get to the part, to get to the level where I'm at now of my understanding. And I've really only scratched the surface.

But the reason I keep coming back to it is because. As you know, marketing, like we're human is all about starting from within, starting from who we are and then resonating with the right clients. And so that's why this tool and this knowledge is so important. So important to me, I feel like for people to really [00:13:00 ] understand who they are as you know, you and I both, both also believe in astrology and how that kind of helps us understand who we are, but human design just kind of adds another layer to that understanding.

And yeah, over the years, I've. Really just gotten much more deeply into the, the study of human design in order to understand, like, like you mentioned, it's not just about me, but it's about me in relationship. To everything around us, because we're living in an ecosystem where we're constantly, you know, facing other people and in our business as well.

And that's especially what we want to talk about today is like, well, how do we use a tool like that in, in business and in marketing maybe even. So I'd like you to pick up there. [00:14:00 ] Well, and one thing just as a bit. So, so for your listeners, I I first had my human design reading for myself 22 years ago, and I've worked with it with hundreds of people in 22 countries.

So every color faith, I mean, everything, and it's just stayed true. So to me, it's describing something very fundamental, like our relationship to gravity. It's just there. So this is part of, I really. wholeheartedly invite everyone to test what we're about to talk about. This isn't something to just take in as a concept and believe.

This is very much something to be like, Oh, and if it sparks your interest, if you feel curiosity, play with this, because it's really in starting to apply it, you really see the magic of it. So specifically to your point about marketing is the more you understand your type. And so there's four, there's four, arguably five types.

So there's manifestors, There's generators, there's a subset called manifesting generators, there's projectors, and there's reflectors. And all four of these have different roles, different, [00:15:00 ] different ways that they work inside the field. So manifestors initiate. Now, I live in the States. And pretty much our whole culture, everyone's trained to be a manifesto.

So, so, but the rest of the world, I'm sure y'all aren't quite in the insane level of capitalism. We are, but it's less than 10 percent of the population. So, in reality, only 10 percent of people are really meant to just be there. I've got an idea. I'm going to go do it. So, the manifestos, they're called energy beings and so are the generators.

Now what this means by energy beings is they have access to energy to get stuff done. Right. But the manifestors, if you're a manifestor in business, then absolutely. I mean, in a lot of ways, it's amazing because you really can just go get stuff done like that, but you're not meant to actually work long term.

It would really, it's, you're meant to initiate, but you don't have the energy to actually do the work. The generators. Are the worker bees. We're the ones. I'm a manifesting generator and Sarah, you're a generator, right? I'm a generator. Yeah. So we're the ones who <span style= "color: g









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Human Design with Jen

Human Design with Jen

Sarah Santacroce, Jen Freeman