Interview with IBCLC Heather Elkins: Busting Myths & Understanding the Laws and Support Around Lactation
Heather Elkins, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and owner of Root Love Lactation Services, shares her journey into the field of lactation
consulting and the importance of prenatal education and lactation support throughout the breast- and chest-feeding journey. Heather previously practiced as a healthcare lawyer and recently completed a 5-year grant initiative to help establish and support lactation-friendly policies and accommodations for lactating individuals in Colorado. She busts common myths about breastfeeding and highlights the challenges faced by nursing parents, including returning to work and societal attitudes towards breastfeeding/ chest-feeding in public. Heather also
discusses her work with adoptive parents and the significance of skin-to-skin contact for infants. She emphasizes the legal protections for lactating individuals and the need for greater support and normalization of breastfeeding in society.
lactation consulting, breastfeeding, chest-feeding, prenatal education, myths, challenges, adoptive parents, skin-to-skin contact, returning to work, breastfeeding in public, legal protections
- Prenatal lactation consulting and education are crucial for expectant parents to understand the basics of breastfeeding and chest-feeding, recognize signs of success or challenges, and debunk common myths.
- Breastfeeding/ chest-feeding is about more than just nutrition; it is a bonding experience that provides comfort and attachment for both the parent and child.
- Nursing parents face challenges when returning to work, including maintaining milk supply, finding time and space to pump, and societal attitudes towards
breastfeeding/ chest-feeding in public. - Laws in the United States protect the rights of lactating individuals, but there is still a need for greater awareness and enforcement.
- Skin-to-skin contact is essential for infants, regardless of how they are fed, as it promotes regulation, comfort, and positive attachment.
- Seeking support from lactation consultants, online communities, and local resources can make a significant difference in the breastfeeding/ chest-feeding journey and overall well-being of families.
Guest Contact
Heather Elkins, IBCLC
Instagram: @rootlovelactation
Facebook: RootLove Lactation Services
Information Gift: I'd like to share the potential for lactation consultations (prenatal through weaning) to be covered by insurance through The Lactation Network (TLN). Here's a link where potential clients can verify coverage. They simply fill out a very brief form and TLN works with their insurance provider to verify if they have coverage. If so, TLN guarantees all of the lactation support consultations they need at no out-of-pocket cost to them.
Host Contact
Stephanie Dueger, PhD, LPC
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