Israel’s New Air War in the West Bank Killing Rising Number of Palestinian Children
Journalist Catherine Cartier: Israel’s New Air War in the West Bank Killing Rising Number of Palestinian Children
ExxonKnews reporter Emily Sanders: Fossil Fuel Industry Working to Further Criminalize Climate Protests Against Oil and Gas Projects
Free Speech for People Co-founder and President John Bonifaz: SCOTUS Scandals and Blatant Corruption Demand Urgent Reform
Bob Nixon's Under-reported News Summary
• Myanmar's military regime losing control along border
• World's top banks greenwashing role in Amazon destruction
• Catholic bishops apologize for church role in Indian schools, but sidestep on abuse
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Produced by Squeaky Wheel Productions: Scott Harris, Melinda Tuhus, Bob Nixon, Anna Manzo, Susan Bramhall, Jeff Yates and Mary Hunt. Theme music by Richard Hill and Mikata.