DiscoverMarketing Over Coffee Marketing PodcastKatie Robbert on Ideal Customer Profiles, The 5Ps, and more!
Katie Robbert on Ideal Customer Profiles, The 5Ps, and more!

Katie Robbert on Ideal Customer Profiles, The 5Ps, and more!

Update: 2024-08-09


In this Marketing Over Coffee:

Learn about the Trust Insights ICP, Google Keep, True Crime, and more!

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Brought to you by our sponsors: Wix Studio and NetSuite

Since the last interview….

Remodeling the house

Changes in the market from analytics to AI

Working with the 5P Framework

Applying AI with a change management focus

10:26Wix Studio is the web platform that gives agencies and enterprises the end-to-end efficiency to design, develop and deliver exactly the way they want to!

The Trust Insights Ideal Customer Profiles (ICP)

It’s not enough to create the profile, the model needs to tell you what to do next

NetSuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE platform, and ONE source of truth.

Using the ICP to create an interactive model

Katie will have sessions at MAICON and Marketing Profs B2B

Using Google Keep for wrangling ideas

Smart Speakers in the home

Peloton and Strava updates

You Like it Darker by Stephen King

Gen AI Course Updates done: Special Discount on the newest Generative AI for Marketing Course! Hands on excercises to put AI to work for you! USE CODE MOC now!

Join John, Chris and Katie on threads, or on LinkedIn: Chris, John, and Katie

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Our theme song is Mellow G by Fonkmasters.

Machine-Generated Transcript

What follows is an AI-generated transcript. The transcript may contain errors and is not a substitute for listening to the episode.

Speaker 1 – 00:07

This is marketing over coffee with Christopher Penn and John Wall.

John Wall – 00:14

Good morning. Welcome to marketing over coffee. I’m John Wall. Today, Chris actually ran through some analytics and said, “Hey, one of the most popular guests generating the most traffic is Katie Robbert, CEO of Trust Insights.” And we’re like, “Well, we actually talk to her every day, so getting her back as a guest, I not be a difficult thing.” But welcome back.

Katie Robbert – 00:34

Well, thanks. It’s funny when we were sort of talking about the data, because, Chris looks at all of the information, he was like, “Well, you were the most popular guest.” I’m like, “Well, duh, I’m hilarious. Of course I was the most popular.”

John Wall – 00:47

Of course, this is part of the show.

Katie Robbert – 00:49

But it is funny because, when you sort of position it as marketing over coffee, being a separate entity from Trust Insights, and you then needing to, like, “Are you available to be a guest on the podcast?” I’m like, “John, we literally talk ten hours a day, every day. Sure. We could just make it another meeting, it’s fine.” But it is funny to think about it, like, so now I have to switch contexts because you’re not John Wall, head of business development and Trust Insights. You’re John Wall, host of marketing over coffee.

John Wall – 01:19

Yeah, I know. That is one thing that I’ve always fallen back to, and this is why it’s so great with the listeners of the show, is because that is just the guy that I am. I am not acting or pretending. I hear of all these people that are doing podcasts and stuff, and people want to talk to them and they hate it because it’s like, “Well, my whole life isn’t talking about movies or whatever,” but, yeah, this is just the stuff we do every day. So I don’t have to do any work changing hats, at least.

Katie Robbert – 01:45

Well, and I was like, “Oh, thank goodness. I don’t really have to prepare anything.” We prepared for the show, but because we work so closely every day, the preparation was so minimal because we’re like, “Do you want to talk about this and this? So that’s everything we have going on. Great, let’s do it.”

John Wall – 02:02

Yeah. There’s not that ramp of me having to spend, like, an hour figuring out, what the guest does, what kind of trouble they’ve been in, and how many indictments and all that kind of stuff.

Katie Robbert – 02:13

Yeah, I like to keep that stuff private.

John Wall – 02:17

Off the charts. So when he said that stat came in, I was like, “I wonder what’s driving that traffic?” And my first thought was like, “Oh, I bet because you’re a CEO, you have people searching you all the time. There’s people pitching you all kinds of stuff. So you get searched regularly. And I was like, I bet the interview comes up high on your organic.” And so I dug in, and as I was going through, I was like, “Oh, wow. It actually doesn’t hit on the first two pages. But then for me, of course, this is different for everybody, but it came up as first hit on the third page.” And I was like, “Oh, that’s interesting. When people are starting to dig a little bit deeper, it’s the first one that comes up.” And actually, we’ve talked about Martech a bunch over the past couple of weeks. You’ve got a bunch of Martech links up there that’s actually doing some organic SEO for you. Why? Martech never gives us organic links. Well, that’s a personal axe that I grind all the time. But, it’s okay because I steal all their stories pretty much for weekly updates for marketing over coffee. So I have to, cut them a little, cut Kim Davis a little bit of slack over there, but.

All right, so let’s get into the stuff, though. Well, I guess first we should talk about, just kind of what’s happened since we’ve talked last, because it has, it’s been over a year since I’ve just had you as a guest. We had you on the year end wrap up and stuff like that. But how’s everything going?

Katie Robbert – 03:31

Well, since then, I’ve renovated half my house, which has been, as someone who works with me all day long, you get to hear the lamenting of the contractors here again, “I don’t have a working sink, so I’m washing dishes in my bathtub.” Like, all of that good stuff. Business-wise, I feel like we’ve maybe just within the past couple of months at least, Chris and I have settled more into our roles in terms of who’s doing what because of how the market is changing and what their needs are. And so while, yes, everyone is talking about AI, they’re really focused on, like, “But what does that mean for the business? What does that mean for the people?” And that’s where I get to shine. I get to step a little bit out in front versus Chris because he’s focused on the tech. That’s sort of a big thing.

I’ve been really lazily toying with the idea, sort of half starting, half not doing it, of writing a book about the five P’s. And I keep telling people about it, hoping that it’s going to, make me more accountable, but it’s not. I keep finding other things that need to get done before I write a book about the five P’s, which is interesting because I write about the framework all the time, but yet when I actually sit down to write a book about it, I’m like, “Oh goodness, I don’t know what I’m going to say. I have nothing to say about this topic.” And yet I could probably pull over 100 posts from the newsletter where I talk about it. So, yeah, mostly getting past that sort of mental barrier of book versus post. I’m sure people have thoughts on what that is and how to break through it, but that’s sort of where I’m at with it.

John Wall – 05:18

Yeah, and that’s a really tough one because it’s just, it’s so much work to do the damn book and really business books, it is kind of just like, okay, here’s my $30 business card. It does give you respect and proves that you know what you’re talking about in that space. But setting aside the 5 million hour it takes to crank that thing out is just huge pain and just a lot of extra grief. One of the big things that I wanted to talk with you and kick around is the fact that Chris is alwa









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Katie Robbert on Ideal Customer Profiles, The 5Ps, and more!

Katie Robbert on Ideal Customer Profiles, The 5Ps, and more!

John Wall and Christopher Penn