DiscoverMarketing Over Coffee Marketing PodcastRAG, Politics, Dual GPS, and Road Trips!
RAG, Politics, Dual GPS, and Road Trips!

RAG, Politics, Dual GPS, and Road Trips!

Update: 2024-09-06


In this Marketing Over Coffee:

Now with less gall bladder and more random…

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Brought to you by our sponsors: Wix Studio and NetSuite

Firsthand account of using AI in healthcare

Using RAG lock for post surgical recovery

Mixing business with politics and surviving

9:5810:40 Wix Studio is the web platform that gives agencies and enterprises the end-to-end efficiency to design, develop and deliver exactly the way they want to!

Salesforce Shopping Index says soft holiday season

Temu and getting your own project manufactured

Dual GPS

17:1418:38 NetSuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE platform, and ONE source of truth.

Yelp vs. Google

John complains about companies that market projectors and earbuds poorly

Event Best Practices and John’s super secret Profs B2B schedule

MAICON and INBOUND coming up for Chris

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Our theme song is Mellow G by Fonkmasters.

Machine Generated Transcript


John Wall

Today’s episode is brought to you by Netsuite and Wix studio.


John Wall

Good morning. Welcome to marketing over coffee. I’m John Wall.


Christopher Penn

I’m Christopher Penn.


John Wall

Last week, were joking that you got a bad taco, which was why you weren’t around, and it ended up being way more than a bad taco. So what the hell went down?


Christopher Penn

It turns out that, my gallbladder died. Literally. My surgeon said it had totally necrotized, and was a dead organ inside me. And what I thought was a bad taco was, in fact, the first stages of septic shock. So had I left it untreated, I would just have died in about, in less than a week, which. Dying in a hotel room alone in Los Angeles. Not, not the end of the story that I want now. If I’m going to go out, I want to go out big. So, or at least. At least hilarious. Funny. And that. That is neither of those, but that’s. Yeah, that was found. So Friday morning, I rolled into surgery. They, removed it all. They said it was, you know, it was much worse than anyone thought. And, and now I’m on the road to recovery.


John Wall

That is amazing. Yeah, it’s amazing you’ve rebounded, because I, you know, I said it’s like, look, if you want to skip this week and sleep it off, but it’s amazing how they turned you right around over the weekend, and you were back in the office on Tuesday doing your thing.


Christopher Penn

Yeah, well, so laparoscopic surgery is like that, and it’s interesting. We’re doing a couple things. One, on Friday, I knew I was going to have to try, you know, recount the tale of what I thought was happening. So I fired up chat GPT, and I told it like, you’re a doctor. You’re going to ask me a bunch of questions, and I’m going to build an intake list so that I can just hand it to the doctor, because, like, as the pain got worse, it got progressively harder to think straight and stuff. So I would just, I was just foaming throughout the rambling, answering its questions, you know, repeating myself over and over again. And, and what it did was it consolidated all and put together this really awesome list. So, you know, when I rolled into the ER, I was not really coherent.


Christopher Penn

And the doctor was like, so tell me what’s happening. I just hand him the phone. He’s like, read, and he goes through his and, you know, both at urgent care and the ER, the doctor’s like, wow, are you like, in healthcare? Are you a doctor? Like, this is really thorough, really comprehensive. Like, if I have, I’ve been able to speak properly, I would have said, no, I work in AI. And you’re looking at what generative AI can do to make a bunch of relatively incoherent information coherent and correct.


John Wall

Yeah, that’s amazing, because you said AI and medical that you wanted to talk about because of this and that. Yeah, that’s fascinating. I was wondering, how did you get over and just handing the phone worked? Because that’s a whole other thing. It’s like, okay, you can get this great thing, but there’s no printers around anywhere.


Christopher Penn

Exactly. I could have actually turned on voice mode, just had it read it aloud too. And then the second thing was on Saturday when I came home. Because laparoscopic surgery is outpatient, typically they kept me overnight for observation because of the severity of it. I went into notebook LM, which is Google’s free research tool, and it’s called a rag locked system. What this means is that it will only answer questions of data you give it, so it will not make things up. It’ll just say, hey, you didn’t provide that information, so I can’t answer it. And I loaded like 40 different papers on post surgical recovery, this, that, all these different studies. And I said, okay, let’s come up with what should I be doing to accelerate recovery as fast as possible?


Christopher Penn

One of those things was a paper from NIH through pubMed, which is as credible as you’re going to get, saying the use of vitamin C, about 1500 milligrams spaced out in doses throughout the day, has collagenic effects, which means that skin wounds and tissues tend to heal faster, not with like one big dose all at once, but smaller doses spaced out throughout the day because of the nature of the way the ascorbic acid works, so. But you always have to take it with food because it can upset your stomach and things like that. So I paired it with psyllium husk fiber to slow it down through the digestive system. And then essentially I’ve been taking that. And at least in the systematic reviews that were in the papers, that accelerates wound healing by up to 40%.


John Wall

Wow, that’s amazing. Well, I can use that. This weekend I had a couple mishaps. I was doing some construction on a doorway and lost a piece of a knuckle. And even worse, I was reaching for the blender and hit a knife on the knife rack on the way back. Oh, that was majorly painful. So. All right, well, so there we go. A little extra vitamin C. I will do the same thing here.


Christopher Penn

Yes. We have to put up the disclaimer that we are not qualified medical professionals. We cannot give medical advice. Marketing over coffee is a marketing podcast. Please consult your health qualified healthcare provider for advice specific to your situation.


John Wall

I know the list for today is like, we are not doctors, we are not lawyers, and we are not politicians. So, you know, bear that in mind with all of these topics that we go through on the rundown, because it’s all over the place today. Let’s get that one off the table, too. You had mentioned talking about, politics and business, so there’s been a lot.


Christopher Penn

Of discussion about this lately. You know, different companies, getting involved in politics, sending out things and stuff. What’s your take on that? On whether a company should get involved?


John Wall

I had a big discussion with that over in spin sucks. We









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RAG, Politics, Dual GPS, and Road Trips!

RAG, Politics, Dual GPS, and Road Trips!

John Wall and Christopher Penn