Marketing psychology tweak that'll make your copy immediately stronger
Wish you had a better "marketing brain"? It's marketing psychology tweaks like the one in this episode that'll improve every promotion, offer and endeavour you and your business take on.
In this episode:
- The copywriting "rule" all copy must follow
- The mistake entrepreneurs make in their press releases
- How to apply this marketing and sales psychology to your Instagram content/captions
Follow Jenna Harding on Instagram here:
✨Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass on “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"
Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)
🎉 Tap here to work with Jenna inside Magic Marketing Machine (or MMM+)!
Music by Jordan Wood
Hosted by Jenna Harding (Warriner), Creator of Magic Marketing Machine