Mastering F2P Cosmetics Monetization in Games
Anton Bernstein, CEO of Pocket Worlds, discusses the intricacies of cosmetics monetization in free-to-play games. Learn about player motivations, game design considerations, primary vs. secondary markets, and cultural differences in monetization strategies. Gain valuable insights on key metrics and best practices for successful cosmetic-based revenue in games like Fortnite, CS:GO, and High Rise.
0:00 Intro
0:45 Most important topics around cosmetics monetization
2:11 Anton Bernstein background and Pocket World business
3:17 The kinds of games that sell cosmetics well:
6:20 How does Fair to play vs. free to play impact cosmetics sales
11:48 How necessary is high engagement to cosmetics sale?
14:16 How does 1st vs. 3rd person perspective impact kinds of cosmetics sales?
16:38 How does motivation around vanity vs. speculation impact cosmetics sales?
21:00 The best games to study for F2P cosmetics monetization
23:40 ARPU and spend depth for cosmetics sales
27:50 Form of cosmetics sales that perform best: Battle pass, loot box, etc.
31:50 The importance of big IP and scale to sell cosmetics well
35:00 Player motivations behind buying cosmetics
38:55 Cosmetics monetization East vs. West
45:00 Primary vs. secondary markets - developer business model
52:47 KPIs and metrics to watch for cosmetics sales
55:50 Dangers of selling cosmetics
57:32 Final message and contacting Anton
- Anton Bernstein, CEO of Pocket Worlds:
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