Mindfulness and Meditation with Cass Dunn
I'm so excited to kick off the Dear Mama podcast with this practical and inspiring episode covering all things mindfulness and meditation.
I'm joined by Cass Dunn, a clinical and coaching psychologist, mindfulness and meditation teacher and a mum of one 13 year old girl. During the episode we chatted about the science of mindfulness meditation (it will blow your mind!), how to get started, common challenges and we even sneak in a little chat about mum guilt and social conditioning.
Cass has kindly offered all Dear Mama listeners a special offer on her My Mindfulness for Busy People course. It’s an 8-week online course that teaches the theory and practice of mindfulness in a simple, step by step format and in a way that can be done anytime and anywhere. Use the code DEARMAMA (one word) to take $50 off the course fee.
I'd love to hear your take aways from the episode and continue the conversation on Instagram, come say hey over at:
You can connect with me on Instagram @nikkimccahon and the Seasons of Matrescence Instagram account @seasonsofmatrescence.
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