Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (Ep 13)
In this episode of THE BURN, hosts Aviv Icel Manoach and Omer Timetwister Kaplan discuss Monster Boy, a fun and casual Metroidvania that can be enjoyed on multiple platforms; And Google's stadia streaming service that allows Omer to play Cyberpunk 2077 without a monster rig.
Original recording date - December 16th, 2020.
Recall: Genshin Impact
When Omer talked about the game on the previous episode I have not yet tried it myself. Since then I played around 25 hours – started on the PS4, quickly found out the control scheme is not manageable and switch to the PC.
Unreal Tournament weapons for Warframe
Game of the Show: Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
Published by Game Atelier; MSRP $30, Buy on Steam
What a cute and awesome little game (like, literally little, it’s about 20 hours to complete)! It’s basically a Castlevania platformer type of game with a twist. An evil magician turned everyone in the kingdom into animals and you go on a quest to find the orbs of power and restore order.
Each orb you find gives you the ability to transform into a ‘monster’ (a frog, snake, lion etc) and each one of those have special abilities that you need in order to solve different puzzles in the game (sometimes you have to transform into different monsters very fast to solve some stuff which threw me off).
Another way to overcome obstacles is to buy equipment in stores: You can get boots, swords and armour and some of them have abilities that will help you progress (for example, an ice sword can freeze water so you can go under it - it’s complicated).
The game itself is super forgiving from a difficulty standpoint, you always have a good amount of life to progress through a level and even in boss fights (which are simple-ish) if you fail a few times a little friend shows up and drops hearts so you have a good chance of finishing the boss.
Super cute soundtrack (example), cute graphics, fairly short. 100% worth the $20 on sale. One of the best platformers on the Switch in my book.
News: Playing Cyberpunk 2077 on Google Stadia
Can I talk about Stadia? It’s basically magic.
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Our theme was created by @AnneDorko with vocals by @FishyTwitch.