Most Downloaded Episode #6: Yoga and the Military with Shaye Molendyke
We at Insight Mind Body Talk have decided our official season will run September – May, taking each summer to re-visit our “most downloaded” episodes. Why most downloaded? Jess may have her favorites, Jeanne too, but what matters most to IMBT is listening to your voice. And we heard you loud and clear through the number of downloads each episode received. What does re-visiting mean? Well, basically, that you’ll be hearing the original episode again. But this time, prior to the episode, Jess will giving inside information about her thoughts on the content, highlighting key moments, and sharing additional tips not mentioned during the episode.
In this episode of Insight Mind Body Talk, we're focused on how yoga can help our military service members heal from trauma. Jeanne welcomes Shaye Molendyke, a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who holds a master's in counseling. Shaye is a Certified Yoga Therapist and the creator and director of YogaFit for Warriors, a trauma-informed yoga teacher training program. Shaye and Jeanne discuss ways in which we can help prevent and heal post-traumatic stress disorder among our military. Shaye explains how yoga teachers and mental health providers can be empowered to better articulate how yoga works from a neuroscience perspective, so that teachers aren't just "shotgunning" yoga out into the world, but truly understanding how healing happens.
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- Contact Shaye at
- ACE study - Heart Rate Variability (HRV) information - Tapping/EFT In this video, Shaye reflects on 9-11 and it's 20th anniversary. She presents a hybrid tapping exercise using eye movements in addition to traditional tapping to help overcome feelings of anxiety. Watch here:
- In this video, Shaye reflects on 9-11 and it's 20th anniversary. She presents a hybrid tapping exercise using eye movements in addition to traditional tapping to help overcome feelings of anxiety. Watch here:
- YogaFit for Warriors - Polyvagal theory: Check out Episode 12 of Insight Mind Body Talk:
Produced by Jeanne Kolker and Jessica Warpula Schultz
Edited by Jason Klein, Jeanne Kolker, and Jessica Warpula Schultz
Music by Jason A. Schultz