DiscoverThe Rich Roll PodcastPsychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It
Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It

Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It

Update: 2024-06-039


Rich Roll and Phil Stutz delve into the complexities of personal growth and fulfillment, challenging conventional notions of happiness and self-improvement. Stutz, a renowned psychiatrist, emphasizes the crucial role of faith, action, and confidence in navigating life's challenges. He introduces a pyramid model, with faith as the foundation, action as the middle level, and confidence at the apex. Stutz argues that true confidence stems from a commitment to repeating the pattern of faith and action, rather than relying solely on external validation. The conversation explores the cultural context of dissatisfaction, highlighting the impact of individualism and the decline of faith organizations on mental well-being. Stutz emphasizes the importance of connecting with higher forces and the need to move beyond a purely intellectual approach to personal development. He advocates for embracing uncertainty and the power of vulnerability, suggesting that true growth often arises from confronting uncomfortable emotions and challenging limiting beliefs. The conversation concludes with practical advice on how to cultivate a deeper connection with oneself and others, emphasizing the importance of active love, sacrifice, and service in achieving a sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Supplementing with Momentus

This Chapter discusses Rich Roll's use of Momentus supplements, highlighting their plant-based protein and creatine products. Momentus is described as a company that collaborates with experts, uses high-quality ingredients, and rigorously tests its products. They are NSF certified for sport, ensuring they are free of contaminants and prohibited substances. Rich Roll emphasizes the importance of responsible supplementation, acknowledging that nobody's diet is perfect every day.

Shremu Plant-Based Cheese

This Chapter is an advertisement for Shremu, a company that produces artisanal plant-based cheese. The ad highlights Shremu's unique flavors, textures, and diversity, emphasizing its vegan, keto, and paleo-friendly options. It also mentions a Father's Day promotion offering a free surprise flavor of Shremu cheese with every order placed on their website.

The Culture of Dissatisfaction

This Chapter begins with Phil Stutz, a psychiatrist, introducing his perspective on the current cultural landscape. He argues that the prevailing models of therapy and human nature are outdated and inadequate, particularly in a culture where dissatisfaction is rampant. Stutz attributes this dissatisfaction to a lack of connection with higher forces, suggesting that true fulfillment arises from co-creating with something greater than ourselves. He highlights the role of individualism and the decline of faith organizations in contributing to this disconnect.

The Pyramid of Personal Growth

This Chapter delves into Stutz's unique approach to therapy, emphasizing the importance of providing clients with actionable tools and strategies for change. He introduces a pyramid model for personal growth, with faith as the foundation, action as the middle level, and confidence at the apex. Stutz emphasizes that confidence is not a result of success but rather a consequence of consistently engaging in faith-based action. He contrasts this approach with the ego-driven, proof-oriented mindset that often hinders personal growth.

The Power of Vulnerability

This Chapter explores the concept of vulnerability as a superpower, challenging the notion that it is a weakness. Stutz emphasizes the importance of being open and honest with oneself and others, acknowledging that shame cannot survive in the light of truth. He encourages listeners to embrace the uncomfortable path of self-discovery, recognizing that true growth often arises from confronting our fears and challenging our limiting beliefs.

Embracing Uncertainty

This Chapter focuses on the importance of embracing uncertainty as a pathway to growth and creative expression. Stutz highlights the role of uncertainty in fostering innovation and personal transformation. He contrasts this with the human tendency to seek certainty and control, which can often lead to paralysis and stagnation. He encourages listeners to make decisions, take action, and move forward, even if they are not certain about the outcome.

Speaking from the Heart

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of speaking from the heart, rather than relying solely on intellect or a desire to be informative. Stutz suggests that authentic communication, rooted in genuine emotion, is essential for creating meaningful connections and fostering personal growth. He encourages listeners to be present in their interactions and to allow their true selves to shine through.


Phil Stutz

Phil Stutz is a renowned psychiatrist known for his unorthodox approach to personal transformation and self-betterment. He is particularly recognized for his work with high-profile individuals in Hollywood and beyond, helping them to overcome challenges and achieve greater fulfillment. Stutz's methods emphasize directness, confronting conventional ideals around happiness, and focusing on disciplined action to dismantle negative thought patterns. He is also known for his emphasis on the importance of connection with higher forces and spirituality.


Faith, in the context of this podcast, refers to a belief in something greater than oneself, often associated with a higher power or spiritual force. It is presented as a fundamental aspect of personal growth and fulfillment, providing a foundation for action and confidence. Stutz emphasizes that faith is not about blind belief but rather a conscious choice to trust in something beyond our immediate understanding.


Action, in this context, refers to taking concrete steps towards personal growth and achieving goals. Stutz emphasizes that action is the engine of change, driving us towards desired emotional outcomes. He contrasts this with the passive approach of waiting for external validation or proof before taking action.


Confidence, in this context, is not simply a feeling of self-assurance but rather a deep-seated belief in one's ability to navigate life's challenges and achieve goals. Stutz emphasizes that true confidence stems from a commitment to repeating the pattern of faith and action, rather than relying solely on external validation or success.


Vulnerability, in this context, is presented as a superpower, challenging the notion that it is a weakness. Stutz emphasizes the importance of being open and honest with oneself and others, acknowledging that shame cannot survive in the light of truth. He encourages listeners to embrace the uncomfortable path of self-discovery, recognizing that true growth often arises from confronting our fears and challenging our limiting beliefs.


Uncertainty, in this context, is presented as a necessary component of personal growth and creative expression. Stutz highlights the role of uncertainty in fostering innovation and personal transformation. He contrasts this with the human tendency to seek certainty and control, which can often lead to paralysis and stagnation. He encourages listeners to make decisions, take action, and move forward, even if they are not certain about the outcome.

Higher Bond

The Higher Bond, as described by Phil Stutz, represents a connection to something greater than oneself, often associated with a spiritual force or a sense of interconnectedness. It is presented as a fundamental aspect of human relationships, transcending individual identities and fostering a sense of unity. Stutz suggests that cultivating this Higher Bond is essential for achieving true intimacy and fulfillment in relationships.

Turn Around

A Turn Around, as described by Phil Stutz, represents a personal journey through uncertainty and hardship, leading to growth and transformation. It involves confronting challenges, experiencing setbacks, and ultimately recovering from adversity. Stutz emphasizes that these Turn Arounds are essential for creating value and achieving a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

Active Love

Active Love, as described by Phil Stutz, is a conscious choice to give love unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. It involves entering into the experience of another person and becoming one with them, transcending any differences or disagreements. Stutz emphasizes that Active Love is a powerful tool for overcoming blocks and fostering deeper connections.


Flow, in this context, refers to a state of effortless action and deep engagement, often associated with creativity and fulfillment. Stutz suggests that Flow arises from the ability to hold two opposites simultaneously, creating a dynamic balance between opposing forces. He emphasizes that Flow is both a reward for engaging in personal growth and a catalyst for further development.


  • What is Phil Stutz's perspective on the current cultural landscape and its impact on personal fulfillment?

    Stutz believes that the prevailing models of therapy and human nature are outdated and inadequate, particularly in a culture where dissatisfaction is rampant. He attributes this dissatisfaction to a lack of connection with higher forces, suggesting that true fulfillment arises from co-creating with something greater than ourselves. He highlights the role of individualism and the decline of faith organizations in contributing to this disconnect.

  • What is the pyramid model for personal growth that Phil Stutz introduces?

    Stutz's pyramid model has faith as the foundation, action as the middle level, and confidence at the apex. He emphasizes that confidence is not a result of success but rather a consequence of consistently engaging in faith-based action. He contrasts this approach with the ego-driven, proof-oriented mindset that often hinders personal growth.

  • How does Phil Stutz define vulnerability and why does he consider it a superpower?

    Stutz emphasizes the importance of being open and honest with oneself and others, acknowledging that shame cannot survive in the light of truth. He encourages listeners to embrace the uncomfortable path of self-discovery, recognizing that true growth often arises from confronting our fears and challenging our limiting beliefs.

  • What is the role of uncertainty in personal growth and creative expression according to Phil Stutz?

    Stutz highlights the role of uncertainty in fostering innovation and personal transformation. He contrasts this with the human tendency to seek certainty and control, which can often lead to paralysis and stagnation. He encourages listeners to make decisions, take action, and move forward, even if they are not certain about the outcome.

  • What is the importance of speaking from the heart, as opposed to relying solely on intellect, according to Phil Stutz?

    Stutz suggests that authentic communication, rooted in genuine emotion, is essential for creating meaningful connections and fostering personal growth. He encourages listeners to be present in their interactions and to allow their true selves to shine through.

  • What is the Higher Bond and how does it relate to personal relationships?

    The Higher Bond, as described by Phil Stutz, represents a connection to something greater than oneself, often associated with a spiritual force or a sense of interconnectedness. It is presented as a fundamental aspect of human relationships, transcending individual identities and fostering a sense of unity. Stutz suggests that cultivating this Higher Bond is essential for achieving true intimacy and fulfillment in relationships.

  • What is a Turn Around and how does it contribute to personal growth?

    A Turn Around, as described by Phil Stutz, represents a personal journey through uncertainty and hardship, leading to growth and transformation. It involves confronting challenges, experiencing setbacks, and ultimately recovering from adversity. Stutz emphasizes that these Turn Arounds are essential for creating value and achieving a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

  • What is Active Love and how does it work?

    Active Love, as described by Phil Stutz, is a conscious choice to give love unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. It involves entering into the experience of another person and becoming one with them, transcending any differences or disagreements. Stutz emphasizes that Active Love is a powerful tool for overcoming blocks and fostering deeper connections.

  • What is Flow and how can it be achieved?

    Flow, in this context, refers to a state of effortless action and deep engagement, often associated with creativity and fulfillment. Stutz suggests that Flow arises from the ability to hold two opposites simultaneously, creating a dynamic balance between opposing forces. He emphasizes that Flow is both a reward for engaging in personal growth and a catalyst for further development.

Show Notes

Phil Stutz is a renowned psychiatrist, author, and the protagonist in the Netflix documentary “Stutz”.

This conversation explores the intersection of spirituality and Phil’s iconoclastic perspective on personal growth, which emphasizes actionable tools over traditional talk therapy. We discuss Phil’s backstory, his therapeutic philosophy, the drivers of happiness, the importance of embracing reality and uncertainty, the role of faith, finding purpose through service and action, and many other topics.

Along the way, Phil expertly psychoanalyzes me.

Phil is a treasure. And this conversation is a gift. Enjoy!

Show notes + MORE

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Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It

Psychiatrist Phil Stutz Knows What’s Wrong With You & Has The Tools To Fix It

Rich Roll