S1E2: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, It Will Be Sold
Previous propaganda techniques struggled to work with the boomer generation in a period of social unrest – until Madison Avenue had a breakthrough.
BRINK media group is re-imagining how brands, causes and artists compete in the oversaturated attention marketplace through original productions and branded entertainment.
Website: thisispropaganda.show
Instagram: instagram.com/thisispropagandashow
Email: propaganda@brink.com
Cohosts: Josh Belhumeur and Malcolm Critcher
Story Editor: Matt Decker
Producers: Jaclyn Hubersberger and Reed Chandler
Additional Audio Engineering: Paul Injeti
Original music: Josh Belhumeur
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Rafferty, John P. “America's Boomer Generation.” Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/story/americas-boomer-generation
“7 Lessons From the Golden Age of Advertising That Still Apply.” MoreBusiness.com. https://www.morebusiness.com/lessons-from-the-golden-age-of-advertising/
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