S2 E7: Setting the Stage for Effective Communication, with Ashley Artrip
In this live virtual event, Jacob sits down with Workweek’s own Director of Education, Ashely Artrip, to discuss the role that effective communication plays in the role of the leader and the employee experience.
They discuss the reasons why so many employees view effective communication as an essential leadership quality, yet so many leaders still fail to provide the level of communication needed for them to succeed.
Then, they chat about the things that hold us back from understanding our own team before fielding a few questions from the audience.
And if you’re looking for deep dives, tactics, and the resources you need to up your leadership game, you need Leader’s Lens - Jacob’s twice-weekly newsletter.
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Follow Ashley:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/artripashley/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ashley_Artrip
Follow Jacob:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jakeespi/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrJacobEspi