Scaling from the feminine series: Energetic frequency Goal setting
If you want to scale through the feminine core it's really convenient to start integrating some forms of structures and goal setting that are really helping you to create an instant shift and growth in your business..... But as you might have noticed..... Rigid goals that have no energy behind them don't work so what will???
Becoming more concerned with the Frequency of the goal than the result helps you to keep feeling free and safe in your body as you scale to create instant shifts in both your life as your business.... Start listening to the podcast to find out how that works for you :).
Mentioned are :
Flow state bundle: a crash course in nervous system regulation , trauma responses and flow and how to leverage flow to create exponential growth in business & life.
Creative Alchemy is the full program :
Orgasmic Sales:
The video that helped me really landing some of the questions that I had around energetic goal setting, trauma release and other interesting conversations are found here: