Shoeless in South Dakota: Shoeless in a Psych Ward (or How I Lost my Pants, but Found Hope)
Dave is out of rehab, so the boys get together to talk about his wild experiences over the holiday in which he haunted the streets of Omaha and Lincoln bouncing between rehabs, psych wards, Walgreens medicine aisles, and respite centers. Thankfully, at the end of the chaos, he felt a deep internal shift that many in recovery refer to as "being sick and tired of being sick and tired", and it gave him renewed energy and vigor on his long march to recovery.
Learn about, follow, or support Shoeless HERE
Outro Song: "Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want" by The Smiths
Audio Clips used in this episode:
- Marsha Linehan on acceptance
- Meaning is a Jumper that you have to Knit Yourself