DiscoverThe TrainingBeta Podcast: A Climbing Training PodcastTBP 251: Climbing Drills for Beginner to Elite Climbers with Matt Pincus
TBP 251: Climbing Drills for Beginner to Elite Climbers with Matt Pincus

TBP 251: Climbing Drills for Beginner to Elite Climbers with Matt Pincus

Update: 2024-02-07


Coach Matt Pincus uses climbing drills in his coaching (and his own climbing) all the time. He also put them into every single training session in the Performance Training Programs he built for TrainingBeta. But what do you imagine when you think of climbing drills? Maybe practicing heel hooks or drop knees? Perhaps you imagine practicing dynamic moves or campusing?

Or maybe you have no idea what a climbing drill is or why you would do one. That’s what this episode is for. In every other sport, there are drills: basketball, soccer, baseball, horseback riding. Heck, in every HOBBY there are drills: piano, singing, chess, etc. – all in the name of getting better at the activity and making certain movements or thought patterns second nature. But in climbing we sort of gloss over that, opting to just have fun and climb instead.

In this episode, Matt is going to talk about some of the drills he uses in his coaching, why he uses them, why it’s so important to practice them regularly, how to incorporate them into your climbing, and how even the most elite of climbers benefit from doing drills.

More Details:

  • Why Drills?

  • Elements of Deliberate Practice
    • Being Intentional

    • Appropriate Difficulty

    • Getting Feedback

    • Willingness to Struggle

    • Willing to Struggle

  • Examples of Drills
    • Contrast Warmup + One-Leg Climbing

    • Memorization Drills

    • Pacing Drills: Attack and Defend and Sprint Laps

  • Common Pitfalls and Questions

I hope this helps you gain more mastery in your climbing – this info has definitely helped Matt, his clients, and the community in our Performance Training Programs.

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Train with Matt Pincus

If you want Matt to help you with your own goals, whether they’re with bouldering or route climbing, he’s available for month-long commitments where he’ll talk with you over zoom and create a program for you and keep in touch with you via the TrueCoach app throughout the month.

He’ll help you get stronger and he’ll cater to your specific goals so that the timing is right for you to send when it’s time to send.

Learn More about Working with Matt

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TBP 251: Climbing Drills for Beginner to Elite Climbers with Matt Pincus

TBP 251: Climbing Drills for Beginner to Elite Climbers with Matt Pincus

Neely Quinn