DiscoverThe TrainingBeta Podcast: A Climbing Training PodcastTBP 256: Climbing Nutrition Questions Answered by Shaina Savoy and Neely
TBP 256: Climbing Nutrition Questions Answered by Shaina Savoy and Neely

TBP 256: Climbing Nutrition Questions Answered by Shaina Savoy and Neely

Update: 2024-04-10


Shaina Savoy is a 30-year-old climber who lives in Las Vegas who also happens to be a very good friend of mine AND TrainingBeta's social media manager. I've known her for years, and have watched her evolve into an amazingly strong 5.13+ climber who has a strong passion for nutrition. She recently finished a program at NTI to become a Nutrition Therapist Master and is now seeing nutrition clients.

I'm an Integrative Clinical Nutrition Therapist and have been seeing nutrition clients since 2007. I've been working almost exclusively with climbers on their nutrition since 2013 and I have an online nutrition program for climbers. 

Shaina and I answered a bunch of questions we received from our Instagram audience about nutrition for climbers.

Questions We Answered

  • Some general indications for water consumption?

  • What is the best advice that climbing coaches can give youth athletes?

  • When to diet & drop fat?

  • Plant based nutrition for climbing

  • Supplements!

  • Favorite crag candy

  • Is it common to be more injury prone when dieting?

  • Nutrition tips for waking up in the middle of the night

  • Nutrition for aging climbers and injury prevention

  • Most accurate way to determine daily caloric needs?

  • Thoughts on sugar, specifically foods with added sugar?

  • Advice for people with history of disordered eating who want to be lean

  • Bonus Content on Patreon

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TBP 256: Climbing Nutrition Questions Answered by Shaina Savoy and Neely

TBP 256: Climbing Nutrition Questions Answered by Shaina Savoy and Neely

Neely Quinn