DiscoverOff the SpectrumThe Bells of Climate Change
The Bells of Climate Change

The Bells of Climate Change

Update: 2019-07-26


The Heart of this episode is a dramatic reading of an essay by Thich Nhat Hanh from the book "Moral Ground."

"Moral Ground will light a righteous fire {under our asses}," Utne Reader.

Part II of this episode, I have to admit, is a rant about how Americans, the leading cause of Climate Crisis, really don't seem to care ~ and keep going about business as usual. If you'll be offended by someone ranting about American lifestyles, please, in Tinder speak, swipe left. Otherwise, I beg you, please have ears to hear.

Today is Friday, July 26th, and every Friday is "Fridays for Future," the European (and Global) Strike against Climate Change. This doesn't seem to be happening much (or at all) in America. If you know of any schools in America participating, please write in and dispell my ignorance. 


In the meantime, today being Friday, I'm going to be out there with my sign. "Strijk for Climatet!" it says, after Greta Thunderg's sign. I have to admit I'm a bit of a zelot. The career I dream of is being booked & PAID to speak about climate change. By who, I don't know, because it doesn't seem like any of the Americans who drive their SUVs to work care at all.

if a Climate War breaks out in the 2020s, America is going to find itself on the wrong side.

I work as a janitor in a church, and I'm supposed to be at work right now, but anything I can do about the Climate Crisis is more important! So as soon as this episode finished uploading, I'm going to bike to work.

To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction, "Priorities, Motherfucker."










Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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The Bells of Climate Change

The Bells of Climate Change

Thomas Tortorich, host