The Measurement Crisis (in mobile UA) | #1 of 5 in State of Measurement Series
We are seeing severe impacts around privacy and the ability to measure any post-device ID kind of fingerprinting world. So, we wanted to put together a five-part series helping advertisers understand the measurement crisis and the different tools and measurement signals available.
#1. The first podcast in the series will be the overview of the measurement crisis.
#2. The second podcast will be the actual state of last touch and the real value that last touch is bringing you.
#3. The third podcast will educate on incrementality testing and how it can be leveraged in a privacy-first world.
#4. The fourth one will be the promise of MTA 2. 0 and data clean rooms. So you understand some of the more fringe benefits of tools coming to you that may impact last touch.
#5. The last podcast is a summary roadmap to measurement success, helping you, the advertiser, take everything you've been educated on, turn it into action and succeed.
0:00 New series: State of Measurement in a Privacy-first World introduction
2:24 Intro to the Measurement Crisis in mobile user acquisition (UA)
4:30 Recap on why we have problems attributing installs today
8:17 How incentives exacerbate the measurement problem
11:42 What is the actual impact of IDFA deprecation to UA?
16:43 Andrew believes that incrementality shows that the impact of IDFA may be a perceived rather than actual problem
22:12 Warren's dynamic polling approach, how to make goal based buying work, and overview of IDFA workarounds
31:16 What does Kwalee and other game studios do for UA now?
33:30 How to react to loss of fingerprinting
40:00 What are limitations of MMM or incrementality?
46:35 Who will be impacted most by loss of fingerprinting?
47:40 What does the future state of measurement look like?
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