DiscoverMichael MooreThe True Number of Trump’s Fines ($650M!); Only Trump Gets to Prosecute the Prosecutor; Is Biden Trying to Throw the Election to Trump by Funding the Slaughter in Gaza?
The True Number of Trump’s Fines ($650M!); Only Trump Gets to Prosecute the Prosecutor; Is Biden Trying to Throw the Election to Trump by Funding the Slaughter in Gaza?

The True Number of Trump’s Fines ($650M!); Only Trump Gets to Prosecute the Prosecutor; Is Biden Trying to Throw the Election to Trump by Funding the Slaughter in Gaza?

Update: 2024-02-19


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It all seems like utter madness. 

Click here to leave me a 60-second voice message (I might play it on a future podcast episode).

Write to Mike:

Music in today's episode:

"⁠Mindtrain⁠" — Yoko Ono. (Today is her 91st birthday!)

Today's episode is brought to you by Netflix and their masterful film "Maestro" — nominated for 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture. Available now on Netflix.


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The True Number of Trump’s Fines ($650M!); Only Trump Gets to Prosecute the Prosecutor; Is Biden Trying to Throw the Election to Trump by Funding the Slaughter in Gaza?

The True Number of Trump’s Fines ($650M!); Only Trump Gets to Prosecute the Prosecutor; Is Biden Trying to Throw the Election to Trump by Funding the Slaughter in Gaza?

Michael Moore