DiscoverMichael MooreURGENT: Polls Close in 2 Hours in Michigan. You Must Go Vote Now.
URGENT: Polls Close in 2 Hours in Michigan. You Must Go Vote Now.

URGENT: Polls Close in 2 Hours in Michigan. You Must Go Vote Now.

Update: 2024-02-27


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The polls for the Democratic presidential primary in Michigan are going to close in less than 3 hours. All of you who are my fellow Michiganders have a rare chance to have a direct say, and each of you as a single person can directly affect bringing this war crime that you and I are funding with our tax dollars to an end. Use it! There’s still time to vote before 8pm. Most of you live within a mile or two of a voting location!

The way to have your voice heard is to vote “Uncommitted” on your ballot. This does NOT mean you are voting against Biden. What it does mean is you are joining thousands of other Michiganders who, like myself, are part of the “Listen To Michigan” campaign where voters today in Michigan are sending a message to Biden that we do not support the slaughter in Gaza or his funding of it. He must not only demand a ceasefire, but also let Prime Minister Netanyahu know that the American people will no longer bankroll the mass killing of Palestinians, nor support the removal of the Palestinian people from their land or the continued establishment of apartheid policies that deny the Palestinians of their basic human rights. This action today at the polls is supported by Jewish Voice for Peace, former Michigan Congressman Andy Levin, the majority floor leader of the Michigan State House of Representatives and numerous Arab-American, Jewish and local union organizations. The call for ceasefire has been endorsed by the UAW, the teachers’ union (Michigan Education Association) and approximately 200 other unions and locals nationwide (including the National Nurses Union, postal workers, SEIU, and the flight attendants union. Yes, even the flight attendants are actively working to end this madness. Every poll has shown that between 70-80% of Democratic voters want an immediate ceasefire and an end to this war.

President Biden is not listening. This is crushing to all of us who voted for him. And if you listen to young people, to Arab and Muslim Michiganders, and millions of progressives, one thing is clear: We run the risk of Biden losing the election in November and Donald Trump being reinstated simply because too many voters will not violate their conscience and vote for someone who has funded a massacre of historic proportions. Joe Biden. There is still time though for Biden to do what his own conscience is probably telling him: This is wrong. This is murder. Netanyahu is a war criminal. The best way to not only save lives, but to save Israel, is to end this attempt at genocide. No one will win if we stay on the Biden-Netanyahu road.

You have just 2 hours to participate in a profound and potentially successful effort to save Palestinian lives, the lives of the hostages and the political life of Joe Biden.

Please, if you can, and if you haven’t voted yet today, stop what you’re doing right now, get in your car and drive to your voting location. Vote “Uncommitted” on the ballot. It’s the best way to save Biden in November and to guarantee the end of Donald Trump. Failure to do so is a huge risk. As Michelle Goldberg wrote in the New York Times on Friday, “Biden is in danger of losing Michigan and, with it, the whole election” due to his support of the slaughter in Gaza. Send a message right now. Stand up for our Arab and Muslim neighbors, friends, coworkers, and classmates who share this great state with us. Stop reading this. Go vote. Polls close at 8pm.

In solidarity and for peace,

Michael Moore

Michael Moore Says Michigan’s “Uncommitted” Campaign Can Send Biden a Vital Message About Gaza


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URGENT: Polls Close in 2 Hours in Michigan. You Must Go Vote Now.

URGENT: Polls Close in 2 Hours in Michigan. You Must Go Vote Now.

Michael Moore